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Inspired Song: Nina Simone Feeling Good

•New Orleans, Louisiana

The Di Vinci's were the one of ones. The family name that was built through generation to generation of the most notorious.

They were the most mysterious when it came to their personal lives behind the scenes. In the public eye, they were substantial figures known for funding most of the city's events and maintaining a charitable organization that became successful within business.

Gianni Di Vinci, the founder and legend who secured his family's wealth creating a net worth of over half a million where they capitalized off the French Quarters along with the rest of Louisiana's estate.

Later, the Sicilian boss be weds the French goddess, Valentina. She too knew how to communicate in Italian among other languages such as French, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic. Then they became madly in love. It was almost love at first sight.

Not only did she become his wife but also the master mind behind all his business moves. She was able to create more alliances outside the country with many from other countries in trade for diamonds, property, investments assets etc. all under contract. Many went forward with the contract due to respect and others out of intimidation.

The Di Vinci's accumulated double their incomes and were practically shitting on money. Everything about them was discreet and secured. Security stood around their mansion along with transportation. The city respected them and their brand. The people admired and adored them but never dare tried to mess with the Di Vinci's.

Somehow whoever did, let's say they were "dealt with" Many rumors went around on people missing and never being found after conducting certain meetings with the Di Vinci family. They were always the talk around town especially the French Quarters.

After ruling the family empire for twenty years, a new generation was being born. Since birth, he was groomed to lead as an alpha boss and businessman. He had this killer glare that was dark and intimidating to look at. His cold, venom tone was used whenever people didn't follow his orders. Giovanni had created more revenue, holding the family's net worth at 800 million. He had made his ancestors proud that he was following after the family's empire while creating a dynasty with his one and only wife, Gisèle Marie-Celèste Dubois.

Together they were the ultimate power couple. Bonnie and Clyde. Meanwhile, Gisèle born into a middle class background with her black and Native American mother raised in NOLA. Meanwhile, her father had roots that traced as Spaniard and French as he was born in France. Both making her a native Louisiana Creole. She had exotic features that many men lusted over but would never try to even attempt her.

Her golden hazel eyes bringing out her honey, caramel complexion which looked smooth to touch. Her broad nose matched her pouty, pink full lips that stood out her small round face. Her honey blonde hair was also set in pin curls or held up in a low bun. She always dressed elegant once they went out but behind the scenes, her body was displayed like a trophy to those who were chosen. The owner at which was Giovanni.

One thing about him, she was always on his arm out at public. She had worshipped Giovanni and it showed In her actions to him. Any men practically would kill to be in his position. Who wouldn't? He had everything. The riches, the mansion, the popularity, the most beautiful wife and Power.

Power was the first thing on Giovanni's list. Business wasn't always easy but in the end, he always achieved what he desired. You could say he had the country in his hands. The city was his domain.

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