Chapter 1

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It's a Sunday morning,the more normal days before Monday before the trouble of school and work. Naruto, being an average high school student with average struggles, the blonde slowly wakes up as an alarm goes off on the wooden nightstand by his bed.
"Hmm? What time is it?"
The blonde slowly sits up feeling the cold consume him, Naruto suddenly freezing grabs his sun pattered blanket and wraps himself up. The blonde soon turns to his left to see his alarm going off as you can tell he heard it as well. While the blonde stumbles out of bed a small fox roams the halls. The small fox quickly scurries down the hall, almost as if it would die if it didn't hurry, life or death you could say. You would never be able to tell, the small fox soon takes a left then a hard right. The fox, running at his limit when it comes to speed was out of breathe by the time he got to the end of the awfully large hallway. The door, the little fox sat silently in front of it as he evened out his breathing. The small fox stayed silent for a minute as his breathing finally evened out, then let out a loud yip. The small fox had a door that lead inside but yet sat patiently waiting for the wooden door in front of the small creature to open.

[Naruto, third POV]

The blonde still slowly moving has dealt with his alarm, he has gotten rather used to the cold of the empty house. He swiftly moves seeming startled as he turns his head to the direction of the door and almost jumps at the noise a loud YIP! then a THUD Was heard Naruto soon chuckling walks over to his closet, he picks out a white T-shirt with what seemed like a picture of daisies.
"Is this too casual?"
"Wait,I'm not even going out today."
The blonde once again chuckled, then turned to his left and grabbed a pair of black pants and  threw them on the bed. Naruto then hurried towards the bathroom, the blonde was obviously scared to miss his routine knowing it would send him out of whack. The blonde soon opens his door to hear the pitter patter of small paws, the animal quickly jumps up on the blonde causing him to fall back hitting his head on the door, landing on the floor.
"Kurama! Morning bud."
As the blonde pets the small animal he slowly gets up revealing the dirty paw prints on his sun patterned pajamas.

"Really? Please, oh please, don't tell me you've already walked through the whole house."

Naruto stands soon afterwards and seems almost lost for words as he looks down the hallway to see the trail of muddy paw prints scattered all over the hallway. The blonde soon looks down to his left pocket and reaches for his phone pressing a side button hoping it would turn on. The phone not turning on was a signal it was dead but the blonde tried once again then got up and ran towards his room the door slamming shut seconds after the small fox entered. The blonde in a matter of seconds ran to his nightstand and plugged up his dead phone, he wasn't ready to deal with this, he was sure a friend blew up his phone by now worried or something he made his way towards the bed and soon after fell face down on it. Screw his routine, he didn't really have one.

[In the Uchiha household]

The calm household would've startled a rather more chaotic family, the silence only so often being ceased by the sizzle of bacon. In the farther end of the Uchiha house was a large black slidable door that led to a rather spacious room. As the clock hit seven showing it was rather later then his usual schedule making the raven rather irritated, the Uchiha's nose scrunched up and his eyes rolled as he tried not to scoff. He would've been up at his usual times if it wasn't for certain "thoughts" that stayed in his head longer then needed.

[Author-Chan Has A Note!]
sorry if this is rather short I'm busy and I'm dealing with three stories at once currently
Word count: 738
Motivation for this story count: 60
Motivation to write my 4 stories: 5

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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