Blocked IV

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Rexxvia just can't catch a break. First he gets abducted by giant hands, wakes up inside a void, burst thru the door to a random mansion, running through the corridors getting away from what he can only assume is a giant animatronic, and now the first three people he's ever met since he got here are now pointing there knives at him.

Girl: I asked you a question!

Rexxvia: Do you threaten every stranger you meet?

She pushes her knife closer to his throat.

Girl: Who. Are. You?

Boy: You better answer her now kid, we are all on edge right now and we will not hesitate to use you as live bait.

Rexxvia: Okay, let's not do something we'll all gonna regret. Look I'm just trying to find a way out of... whatever the hell this. I got taken by these giant hands and the next thing I know I woke up in a-

Girl 2: Wait, did you just say giant hands?

Rexxvia: Yeah, why?

The two people in the back put down their knives.

Girl: Wh- Hey! you're not actually buy this crap are you!?

Boy: Kim, let him go. He's just another poor bastard that got abducted here just like us.

The girl who is now named Kim slowly pushed her knife into Rexxvia's throat causing him to bleed.

Kim: You're actually listening to him! He led that THING right to us, he could get us all killed!

Rexxvia: Wait just put down the knife and- UGH!!

Kim:You shut the hell up! You do get to talk.

Girl 2: Kim please let him go, he's been taken by the hands just like us. Plus your killing him!

Kim: I'm sorry, but I'm not taking any chances. He dies!

With no other options Rexxvia smacked the knife out her hand not caring he might've cut himself doing so.

He punches her in the face and kicks her to her two friends.

Rexxvia sees the knife on the floor, he picks it up and points it at them all while holding his neck.

Rexxvia: Listen all of you! I demand answers! Because I know for a fact that I didn't get sent here just to get murdered by a dyke in a dress, or whatever the hell is roaming around the halls.

Kim: What did you just call me!?

Kim said with a murderous look on her face and Rexxvia completely ignores her.

Rexxvia: Now first off, I need to know who are you, why am I here, and what was that thing that was chasing me in the halls?

Boy: Okay calm down, we'll answer all your questions later. Right now we're not safe here anymore and you're bleeding, once we get you patched up we'll have to move another spot before it comes back.

Kim was shocked on what he just said.

Kim: Julian, I know you're not suggesting he comes with us!? We don't know this guy let's just leave him and run.

The boy now named Julian ignores her.

Julian: Yumi are we clear?

Yumi: Yes.

Julian: Good. Names Julian by the way, that's Yumi back there.

Yumi: Nice to meet you, a-and sorry for pointing the knife at you.

Julian: And this is Kim.

Kim just give him the death stare.

Rexxvia: I'm Rexxvia, but just call me Rex, it's easier. Now that the introductions are out of the way I think we should go now. Also I'm keeping the knife.


Julian quickly closed Kim's mouth shut and she did the same after realizing what she had done, but it was too late.

Kim's violent shout was so loud it echoed across the entire corridor catching the attention of a large, robotic, red eyed machine.

The machine's head quickly did a 180 degree turn before turning it's entire body and runs to the source.

The thunderous footsteps can be heard approaching quickly, leaving all three people terrified. Kim was frozen in fear, Julian was trying to calm himself down, Rexxvia was trembling, and Yumi, well... She's having a panic attack, hyperventilating like crazy and one a verge of passing out.

Julian: Oh you done it now.

Kim: This is all your fault!

Rexxvia: ME!? I'm not the one who threw a tantrum, alerting the thing! Who gets so angry over a knife?

Kim: Shut up! Now not the time to be pointing fingers. Especially something that was your fault.

Julian: Enough! Both of you can argue later. We only got a few seconds to get the hell before that killer robot gets here.

Unfortunately the killer robot was already here.

The door exploded and everyone was knocked back. The four people got up and looked at what used to be a door. As the smoke clears they are met with the glowing red eyes and a creepy smile. Everyone was turning pale.

Julian: Well shit.

Yuri: No... Not like this...

Kim: We're gonna die. Because of you.

She said directly at Rex.

The robot walks towards the light reveling it's appearance.

The robot walks towards the light reveling it's appearance

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Rex got his color back and now he's disappointed.

Rexxvia: A Robot Cory Kenshin? Man that's what I was afraid of!?

The Cory Robot looks at Rex and open it's face and chest area, reveling a demonic face and shredder inside.

Rex turns pale again.

Rexxvia: Oh.


The killer robot charges straight at Rex with both of it's arms reaching forward and it's face and chest area still opened.

-- To be continued --

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