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I tugged on my hair due to the stressful day at the cafe. The lunch rush has just came in and we are swamped. I haven't had a break in at least an hour. At least the people here are understanding which is a huge contrast compared to the people in America. If I was still in America and working in a cafe I would have gotten yelled at, at least thirty times a day.

"Rebel table 7 needs another blueberry muffin!" Yells Emily from behind the counter. I nod sharply and grab the muffin from her heading to the table.

"Here you are." I say smiling to the elderly couple.

"Thank you love." Says the women with a thick British accent. I love hearing British accents, they interest me to no end and I could listen to them forever.

I continue to run around through out the rest of the lunch rush. Bringing coffee and food to people all day is tiring which is why I am so happy to be going home.

"I'll see you later Emily!" I shout to her as I walk out. I then grab my wallet and pull out enough money for the cab waiting for me outside. The cad driver brings me to my small studio apartment where I pay him and get out. I walk over to the elevator and press floor number three. once I arrive I go straight to my apartment and unlock the door.

I close and lock the door behind me and kick off my shoes. I then jump straight on my bed cuddling into my pillows. there was a slight knock at the door causing me to groan.

"Who is it?" I yell to the unwanted visitor. I have lived here in London for a couple of weeks now, only having a few close friends.

"Its Elly Belly!" yells my best friend back. I met her in the cafe when I first moved here, we hit it off immediately and became best friends.

"You have a key." I say mumble getting under the duvet. I here the jingling if the door nob then her softly closing the door.
"Hello love." she says sitting on the bed next to me. I look over to her and smile. "Just came home?" she questions looking at my uniform. I nod and sit up.

"I am so happy to see you, today was so busy." I groan which makes Eleanor laugh. Eleanor is a model by trait, she is gorgeous.

"You need to start dancing so that you don't have to work at the cafe or the restaurant anymore." she says.

"I know, but I don't know where to start. I already have a YouTube channel showing me dancing." I sigh standing up. I walk over to my wardrobe looking at my clothes.

"Come on, I can call an old friend who will help you." she says, she pulls out a random outfit and shoves them in my hand. I quickly get dressed and tie my hair up.

"Who is this old friend of yours?" I ask as we get into her Mercedes.

"An ex-boyfriend." she says as we drive away from my apartment. She drives us to a complex with very big and expensive houses that I could only dream about living in.

"An ex?" I question as I stare out at the houses.

"Yeah, he works in some snot nose business, maybe he will sponsor you and get you a job." she says.

"El I can't ask you to do all this." I say.

"Rebel you are my best friend, I want you to achieve your dreams." she says turning into a driveway which seems endless due to how big it is. The house is gigantic with many windows that are lite with the light from inside. El gets out and I follow behind grabbing her arm feeling slightly nervous about meeting this guy. She softly knocks on the door.

"Eleanor, what are you doing here?" says a guy with brown hair. He looks over to me and smiles which makes me smile back.

"Hello to you too Louis." says Eleanor bumping into his shoulder and entering his house. "Come on in Rebel." says Eleanor.

"May I come in please?" I ask Louis. He nods and moves over allowing me in. My mouth falls open at the large house. The traditional look gives the house so much character. "What a lovely home." I gape which makes Louis smile.

"Thank you." he sighs leading both El and I into the large living room. "What can I help you ladies with?" he says heading over to a cabinet filled many different kinds of alcohol. He pours what looks like Scotch into two glasses. He gives El on and he tries to hand me the other but I politely decline.

"You should sponsor Rebel." El says bluntly. Louis raises his eyebrow.

"Sponsor her? For what may I ask?"

"Maybe a job as well?" says El making my cheeks go red in embarrassment.

"For?" Louis huffs clearly annoyed with his ex girlfriend.

"Dancing, doesn't Harry own some five star club?"

"I am very sorry Rebel, but I am not the one that can make these decisions. Only my boss can." he says.

"Harry is selfish and arrogant there is no way we are going to him." sighs El.

"The most I can do is give you an appointment to see him, that's it." says Louis rubbing his eyes.

"I'll take it." I say meekly. I look up to see them both staring at me. "If I can at least get a chance to try and start my dream, I'll take it." I say.

"You are one tough cookie Rebel." says El as she stands to her feet.

"I will get you an appointment for sometime next week. Make sure you have dance ready so he can see you talents. I will text you with the time and the day." he says. I gladly give Louis my cell phone number and smile as soon as we all say goodnight. El drives me back to my apartment talking about Harry and how obnoxious he is, which doesn't make me feel any better. But I just smile and listen to every word she says.

I say good night and step out of her car. I then go straight to my apartment get ready for bed and sleep the rest of the night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2015 ⏰

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