Chapter One

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Mondays. I hate Mondays, only because of my enemy, Dylan. We've hated each other since the 4th grade. It's always a competition with us—school projects, debates, and even who can get to class first.

My best friend Lilian is dating his best friend, Caleb. He and Dylan are on the football team. Everyone seemed to be so obsessed with them only because they were attractive and played "the hottest sport."

As for me, I'm Ashlyn. My only hobbies include reading, being better than Dylan, and school. School has always been my top priority, but when I'm not doing homework, I'm daydreaming. Not about anyone in particular, but about my dream job.

It is becoming a fashion influencer.

It's always been a dream of mine since I was little. Being able to talk about different brands, getting sponsored by famous brands, and getting invited to shows. It all sounded like a dream come true.

I walked into my first period before the bell even rang. I smiled to myself after seeing that I beat Dylan to class again. That was until he walked into the class and took his seat behind me.

"You know, one day I'll beat you to this class," he said.

I sigh and turn around to face him, "that's a day that will never come," I smile evilly. He let out an angry breath.

"It's just that my locker is farther away so you'd keep beating me anyway." he rolled his eyes and tapped his pencil on the desk, as he always did.

"Excuses, excuses. Our lockers are in the same hallway," I turn around to face the front of the classroom. He didn't say anything afterward. He just continued annoyingly tapping his pencil. People began coming into the classroom after the bell rang. Our teacher, Mr. Daniels, as usual, was late. So everyone was in their conversation except Dylan and me, "your pencil tapping is starting to get annoying." I snapped at him as I turned to face him. He only looked into my eyes and smirked slightly. Just to annoy me, he continued tapping his pencil.

I never really noticed them before, but his eyes were a beautiful shade of brown. Almost like honey, but darker. The tips of his hair cover them a bit, but not too much that you wouldn't be able to see their beauty.

Dylan was about to say something, but the teacher walked in and apologized for being late.

After class ended, Mr. Daniels called me over to his desk. "Ms. Cordova, may I speak to you please?" he asked while motioning me over to his desk. I nodded and walked over to him, "you know Dylan Taylor, correct?"

"You're correct." I smiled.

"Great, I was wondering if you would tutor him. He doesn't have the best grade in my class, and you happen to have the highest grade." I sighed. Maybe it wouldn't be a terrible idea... but I hate him so much.

"I'd be happy to, Mr. Daniels." I smiled.

"Great! You'll have to speak to him about times." I nodded and walked out of the classroom to find Dylan. Of course, he was surrounded by girls. I rolled my eyes and made my way over to him.

"Dylan," he looked over at me, "can I talk to you?" he nodded and shooed everyone away.

"What's up, Cordova?" I rolled my eyes and let out an annoyed breath.

"You're failing Mr. Daniels class, right?"

"That's a possibility, why are you asking?"

"He wants me to tutor you because I have the highest grade in his class."

"Hmm... specifically you? Doesn't he know we hate each other?"

"I don't know, just answer my question, do you want me to tutor you or not?" I asked sternly.

"Fine, when?"

"How about after school?" I suggested.

"Okay, I have practice at 3, so does 5 work for you?" I nodded and turned around, walking straight to my locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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