Prologue 🥋

18 1 0

Cloë's POV:

The alarm clock blaring and the blinding light peeking through the shutters made sure I was awake. School. I dreaded the days I had to go. I used to enjoy it but now I wasn't going a day without being called four eyes or fatty. Every now and then nobody would say a word but instead they would through something at me like a donut or anything food related.

I dashed downstairs, dressed and ready to go. I grabbed my keys from the trinket that sat by the front door, beginning to walk out the house. "Pumpkin, aren't you going to have breakfast?" My mom called out, with a worried tone. She knew about it all, the bullies, my eating disorder, the change I wanted to make that she didn't allow. "I'm not hungry," I called back, trying to leave for school again.

"At least have an apple or something small? Please love." My mom begged. I huffed and walked into the kitchen where my mom sat at the small, dining table we could just afford, with her plate of food and daily coffee. I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl, cleaned it and took a bite right in front of her, hoping to make her happy. "Do you have lunch for today?" I shook my head, a worried look stayed baring across my mother's face. "Are you going to have lunch today?"

"I don't know maybe." I muttered.

"Here take this." She just about demanded, holding out the $20 that she just took out of her purse. "Mom I can't take this." I sighed looking at the $20 note she held out to me. "You can and you will. I'm not letting you go without lunch today again." She stated.

"Please pumpkin," My mother pleaded. I sighed taking the money from my mother's hand with regret. I didn't want it and it could've gone to something that meant something. We were barely scraping by as is, so $20 was a lot.


I was finally on my way to school, dreading every second of the drive there. I was prepping myself all the way there, preparing to face the cruelty of teenage mean girls. I was the source of all their jokes. The big fat punching bag. The four eyed geek, if you will. At least I had my two best friends by my side. Eli and Demetri. They had always been there for me. Ever since we were kids.

I was so lost in my thoughts, I couldn't hear the horns beeping at me. Warning me. Before I knew it, my car was rolling. Flipping around and around. Flying across the highway. I never said goodbye. Now he'll never know I felt about him. He'll never get to know.

The only thing I could see was darkness. Complete darkness. But I could almost hear it. The sirens ringing. Coming towards me. the sounds of people's screams and worry.

Light and darkness. I could see them both. Bright lights zooming past me from above. I could hear my mother's cries from beside. I tried to say something. I just wanted to tell her I was okay. That I'm alive. But not a single word left my lips. I couldn't even open my mouth.


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