Wet Rain

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The feeling of being wet, the wetness of the rain. The way the rain was wet made the feeling of being wet quite wet. A reminder that the wetness was wet because the wetness felt wet. The wetness of the rain was a wet wetness that was wet. Being wet according to the wetness of the wet data was a wet wetness that was said to be wet. Some wetness was wet with wet wetness that was also wet just like the wetness of being wet. Wetness makes things wet which is very wet because of the wetness. There is wetness when being wet and wetness isn't dry, it's wet. The opposite of dry is wet and wetness is the opposite of dryness because the wet isn't dry, it's wet. The wetness is wet which makes it wet and not dry, it's wet. Dryness is not wetness, wet wetness is not dryness, it's wet and wet is wetness just like wetness is wet. The rain is wet, not dry. Dry rain isn't rain, the rain is wet and the wetness is not dry because the dryness isn't wet like the rain which is wet.

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