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akaza was fucking terrified.

one second he was just roaming a forest, waiting for a potential fight, the next he was fucking running.

he was getting chased by, not one, not two, but thousands of squealing teens. that in itself was enough to make him yelp in fear the moment he heard the stampede of squeaks.

oh, and that wasn't even the bad part.

heads. beheaded men. they were literally throwing the heads at him, screeching weird shit like "EAT IT AKAZADDY!!!"

akaza literally had no idea what they were saying, continuing to bolt away in shock and confusion. his ass didn't even speak english, all he even understood was his name yelled in a weird tone.

were they... giving him sacrifices? what the fuck was going on- oh...

doma pulled up at his house a few hours ago, giving him the severed arm of a woman wrapped in pink ribbon, saying "happy valentines day!" or some shit like that. akaza flipped him off, knocking the gift out his hands before doma laughed and left.

valentines day.

that still didn't explain shit. why the fuck were there women, men, and others alike screeching his name out?

and... why on earth were they catching up to him.

one of the dismembered heads finally hit him in the back, making him arch his back and stumble a littlle before recovering and speeding away once again.

that, alone, was enough to make like 1/4 of the very large crowd stumble. the conscious ones were hollering out "THE ARCH OF HIS BACK !! 😻😻💗💗‼️‼️‼️" while blushing a shade of crimson that could rival the deep red sunset before them all.

oh, wait.


he's a demon.

and, running towards the sunset.

he stopped before looking around for an escape.

during the time he stopped, the whole crowd cornered him, about to do whatever sick shit they came to do before akaza jumped into the sky, using the heads of—only men—to parkour away.

he barely escaped with his life that day.

from then on out, he always hid during valentines day.

valentines day specialllll 💗💗‼️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ