Isolated 🪐

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Matts mental health is at an all time low but he tries his best to hide it by isolating himself.
Enjoy :)

TW:Thoughts of unaliveing(pls tell me if there is any i will add them)
Pls do not read if any of these are trigger to you

Matt sat locked in his bedroom as he had been doing for the past two days,hiding from his emotions by binge watching every seris on nexfilx and mindlessly lying in bed all day with no will to live.He knew hiding from your feeling was never a good idea but he couldnt possibly bring him self to talk to his brothers,even though they were the most supportive people on the planet,because he felt like he had let thrm down by having these thoughts.He kept on trying to distract him self but everything he used to enjoy was making him feel empty and broken.Matt was awojen from his thoughts by a loud knock at the door and nicks head peeping through the crack of the door."Matt its time to film our weekly car video"
Matt looked back at him just now realising it was thursday indeed"uuh"He said emotionlessly grabbing a baggier hoodie from his chair and walkng to the doorawy.
"You gud matt,you look really pale"Nick questioned looking down at the slightly deshevealed boy.Matt just quietly nodded along with what was being said to him sure his body was there but his mind was swimming around in a sea of never ending intrustive thoughts that he couldnt escape from,he might of well of been drowning.

Matt shakely hopped into the car and started to drive of to mcdolands not really enganging in the covosation,the boys didnt really pay to much attetion to it.Once they got throught the busy LA traffic matt begin to pull up into the drive-way.A few moments later a girls voice was heard throught the inter com
"Hello wellcome to mcdolsands,what would you like order?"
"Hi please can i get a big mac meal with pespi and i will have a 5 piece chicken nugget what about you matt?
"Matt?"Nick says placing his hand on his leg.
"Oh i am not really that hungry i will get a large coffee tho"Matt said anxoiusly looking down at his phone hoping his brother wouldnt say anything to him.
Nick and chris shot each other a worried look"Matt are you okay you always want mcdolands"Chris questioned.
Matt felt an unexplainable wage of anger,most likely caused by stress,cover his body." can you jump leave me alone for 2 minutes"Matt rolled his eyes, payed for the order and pulled into the car park.

Nick turned on the camera and began to start the video whilst matt stayed quiet.
"Next question is..."Chris face drained in coulor as he looked at the question.
"Just read it"Nick demanded"
"No-i dont"Chris sentance was ittrerupted by nick grabbing the phone out of chris hand"Matt what is it like being the worst triplet"Nick read out slowy getting quiet as the question went on.Matt usaully didnt try to care about hate but this time it broke him,mabye it was the lack of sleep for three days or the amount of coffee and energy drinks he had drank but his hurt him.Tears fell from matts eye and dripped down his hoddie as nick tried to turn the camera off."HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS TURN OFF"Nick panicked as he eventfully figured out how to do it.Chris stared at his older brother trying to hold back his tears
"Honey those oeople are just jealous trolls ok"Nick said comforting his brother
"Yeah dont listen to them"Chris added on,not really knowing what to do.
Matt shook his head"No it is not that,its just-it doesnt matter lets get on with the video"
"Yes matt it does matter,you always hide your feelings not its not healthy"Chris said.

"Yeah matt everyone is worried about you,you have barely left your room at all and just have no engry"Nick said.

Matt hated that he was hurting his brother and people around him,he really didnt mean to but he felt empty, he didnt know what to do with himself.
"Just lately i feel like what is the point".
Chris and nick looked at there brother,he looked so upset."What do you mean"Chris asked.Matt took a deep breath in"Just whats the point in anything,waking up,going out with friends,just life in genral and i was just thinking mabye it would be easier if... i was just gone"Matt felt a strong  pair of hands wrap him into a tight warm comforting hug."Matt"His brother cried"I dont ever what you to feel like that,we all love you so much and i have no idea what i would do without you".Matt instantly felt a litttle bit better sure he still felt like shit but his brother were there to help him through it.They would always be there for him,rach on the good days.

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