Forgotten Holiday

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Brown eyes opened slowly, feeling the warmth and comfort they forever desired. They looked up to meet  a freckled-faced, long-haired theater legend.

It was no secret Atom loved Murdock. He had finally found his soulmate. He loved everything about him. His humbleness, his calmness, and how to make him feel better whenever he was in a bad mood, or having insecurities.

He slowly shifted a bit as he was cuddled next to him. Not to escape, just to be able to reach to kiss his forehead, like he usually did whenever he woke up first.

Murdock hummed, beginning to slowly open his eyes as well. He then looked down, smiling lightly, stroking his lover's messy locks. "'Morning. Sleep well?"

Atom nodded his head in response, snuggling more into his embrace, hiding his face in his chest, hearing the other man chuckle, and he began rubbing his back soothingly, Atom melting into the touch.

He then felt a tingly feeling, giggling lightly.

Murdock smirked, stroking his index finger over his side, up and down in repetition. He enjoyed listening to his husband's laughter, knowing he absolutely loved it, as he did.

Atom shifted away, but then felt his fingers move on to his stomach, making him try and curl up, grabbing his hand. "H-honey..." he whined.

"Hm? What's wrong?" he asked, innocently.

He then rolled over, pinning Atom's wrist down. Of course, he stood no chance, Murdock was too strong for him.

He then bent his head down, lips meeting the exposed tummy, and he began blowing raspberries on the sensitive skin. Atom shrieked, happy laughs and giggles escaping him.

Murdock smiled brightly, continuing for a bit, before stopping, letting his husband breathe, letting go of his wrists. Atom panted a bit, little giggles still bubbling out.

"I know that's your favorite way to wake up." Murdock admitted, tapping his nose.

Atom blushed, turning his head away. Murdock cooed, stroking his hair, kissing his cheek.

Atom smiled, knowing he could never stay mad at him. He then sat up, stretching, rubbing away the tiredness still lingering in his eyes.

"I'll make breakfast, then we can get ready to celebrate." Murdock said, getting up from the bed.

Atom paused, then asked, "Celebrate what?"

Murdock chuckled, thinking he was just joking. "Valentine's Day, of course."

Atom's eyes widened then, and he felt his heart began to race. He forgot. He forgot a very special day. He forgot his lover's favorite holiday! You idiot! You freaking idiot! He was screaming in his head.

Murdock grew concerned, tilting his head. "Atom, hun, are you okay?"

Atom then snapped out of it, shaking his head. "Of course! Of course, don't worry, I have the whole day planned."

Murdock then went downstairs to make breakfast, leaving his husband to bury his face into his pillow and let out all his frustration and regret.


"Since when did you want my advice?"

Atom sighed, knowing this was going to be a challenge. Since he had no clue what to do, this was his only chance.

Too bad he started with the worst...

"Herb, please, I'm begging you." he whined, his brown eyes glittering.

Herb rolled his eyes. "Fine, come in. But if I see you at the restaurant we're going to, I'm never letting you back in this house again."

Atom wasn't fooled by the empty threat, having more troubling and anxiety-thriven thoughts running through his head. I have to brainstorm ideas. Let's just hope he'll stop being smart and help me.

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