Bio + Family Bio

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Name : Y/n Todoroki 

Height : 176cm

Age : 15

Hair Color : White with blue tips

Birthday : January 11 (same as Shoto)

Hair Style : short and messy

Eye Color : right eye is light blue, while your left eye is grey

Looks : 

Prologue :

After Prologue : 

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After Prologue : 

Casual Clothes : they will be fire proof

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Casual Clothes : they will be fire proof

(And yes, you will have that earring on both ears just a little bit smaller)

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(And yes, you will have that earring on both ears just a little bit smaller)

Personality : (Y/n) is nearly the complete opposite of Shoto he talks more openly to people and gets along with other very well, unlike his brother however he does not hesitate to use his fire. He is a very chill and laid back person, but in a fight he is aggressive and does not hold back, but does when he needs to and does not care what others think of him and always try to saves others in they are in danger no matter if they are good or bad. He is highly supportive and motivating to his closest friends and even has a rivalry between his brother and a explosive person.

The son of the Number 2 Hero (MHA x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now