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It was an early Thursday morning and Jonathan had about had enough. Even though he had just woken up, which was Sock phasing through Jonathan's bed and into his stomach talking on and on about death to him to get up. But that was every morning. This morning in particular Sock just seemed so loud. The whole world wouldn't shut up. Everything was just so loud. And no matter what Jonathan did he couldn't shut out the noise. But he didn't dare tell Sock to shut it or else he would ask if he was being annoyed to death yet him and turn up his volume making it worse.

Everything was just so loud. Everything was intensified. Jonathan could hear every bird's chirp, every car go by, everyone's conversations, he could even hear the slight breeze in the morning from inside his house. More than everything else he could Sock. Sock Jonathan's lifetime demon. Clearly after enough time Sock would give up. Jonathan would just have to wait it out.

"But it's still really nice down in hell. No one's being tortured at the momen-" Jonathan cut Sock off.

"Would you please just shut up for like 10 seconds? Please!?" Jonathan said as he stopped walking and looked down at the ground as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Taking deep breaths Jonathan was lucky enough to calm down a bit.

"Geez Johnny boy, what's got you all in a fit? Ooh! Are you finally going to-"

"Shut up! And no!" Jonathan obviously couldn't escape the blabbing of his dear old demon.

After letting out a sigh and looking a head to the bus stop, which wasn't to far away from where he was standing. He reached into his backpack and pulled out his iPod along with his purple head phones. He selected a song as he started to cross the street. He hissed at how loud the volume was and practically ripped off his head phones. Checking the volume and finding out that it was pretty close to being muted and it shouldn't have hurt his ears that much.

'Maybe all of Socks talking was really driving him insane.' Jonathan though to himself as he quickly finished the rest of the walk to the bus stop.

As the bus arrived Jonathan slipped on his head phones to block out some of the noise that the bus would make along to trip to school. Sadly he hadn't had a plan of being in the classroom and able to tune out the noise but he would find out away to muffle the teachers talking.

Surprisingly when Jonathan put his headphones on Sock grew quiet. He probably thought that he was listening to music, but what had really surprised him was when Sock started to mumble little nothings to himself. If everything wasn't as loud as it was today he wouldn't have herd him. What Sock seemed to be repeating to himself was things to encourage himself.

"He needs encouragement?" Jonathan thought to himself. "Why?"

He really couldn't see why the little demon needed encouragement. Could it be that he really didn't want Jonathan to kill himself? Probably not.

"-I really do suck at my job." Sock cut in on Jonathan's thought process. The demon let out a sad laugh followed by a low sigh. Jonathan really hadn't seen Sock so... down. Maybe him not killing himself was getting to him. His failure of doing so really getting to him.

It saddened Jonathan to see him down. Even though he should take it as him getting his life back. Yet he wanted to do something. Anything to comfort him. How do you comfort a demon though? It's not like he could make him feel better with physical contact. Could he even touch him? All Sock ever did was faze through him. Jonathan had never tried to touch him.

This drove his curiosity over the edge  and he reached out to touch him. A little hesitant at first, but when he finally reached out he fazed through him.

The little demon gave him a confused look. "What was that for? You can't push me off your seat y'know. Cause I'm dead." To Jonathan the last part of the sentence felt as if Sock could break down and cry at any moment.

"You okay Sock?" Jonathan finally asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine? The question is why are you okay with being alive. It's soooooo boring Jonathan." Sock said with a giggle that Jonathan would never admit how cute it was.

"Jeez, sorry you just looked down and all," Jonathan said with a shrug.

"Oh," said Sock contemplating.

"Yeah," Jonathan said confirming Sock's emotions.

"So what you're saying is you care about me?" Sock said while batting his eyelashes at him. He blushed heavily ear to ear across his face and the bridge of his nose. He quickly looked away and changed the subject.

"Why can't I touch you?" Jonathan said glancing at him from the corner of his eyes. Sock looked at him like it was obvious.

"Jonathan, I'm dead," Sock said monotone. The hardness in his voice made Jonathan cringe. He knew he was dead. He just didn't want to admit it.

"My only "Friend" is dead."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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