You Are Beautiful

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Victoria Is a 10 year old girl who struggles with how to manage her natural hair. Everyday is a struggle watching countless YouTube videos on how to do some quick tips and styles. It works for the time being but by the morning time it looks as if nothing ever happened. Victoria wants to stay away from chemicals. No perms or relaxers she wants to stay away from that. "I want my hair flow and move like my friend Emily but how do I do it " Victoria thought to herself. "My hair looks like uncooked broccoli" Victoria said while looking in the mirror.

I want to look beautiful and not fit the norm of what everyone wants me to look like. I have aunties and sometimes uncles or as my uncle drew calls it guncles which is a gay uncle. It's bad enough I get teased in school for my natural hair. I can have as many braid as I can possibly have in my hair and when it comes down the first question  and comments people tend to ask is " When are you going to get your hair done again Victoria, or Omg Victoria this hairstyle would look so good on you or my favorite you look so cute when you're hair is braided " it's so much stress on my little body. I just want be a normal person in this world and don't have to fit into these norms of trying to appeal

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