Chapter 1 : Knowing the characters name and personalities

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Do you have a backstabber BFF? Have you ever know how it feels to have a backstabber BFF? Do you know having a backstabber BFF is so painful and it's so hard to unfriend your backstabber BFF. It's because they're your bff for 8 years!

This story is about a girl name Hazel that just entered grade 6. Hazel is a very popular girl from grade 4. Hazel has 2 Bff's name Ivy and Violet. Hazel not yet know what class is she so her BFFs

In the car with her mom, going to school

Hazel : *sad and nervous* *looking at the window*

Hazel's mom : Hazel, why you look so sad and nervous? It's your first day of school! You must be excited!

Hazel: I'm nervous because I'm scared I won't be the same class as Ivy and Violet.

Hazel's mom : Don't worry, Hazel. You will be the same class as your bff's

Hazel: Ok mom

5 minutes later they arrived at school

Hazel: By mom. Ivy's mom will pick me up after school ends.

Hazel's mom: Ok, bye Hazel. Remember to think positive always . *Drove away from school*

At school hall

Teacher: Good morning everyone. Everyone can leave the hall expect grade 6

*Everyone left expect grade 6*

Teacher: So everyone, in this box we wrote all four class name and you must take only one paper.

*Grade 6 taking papers*

Hazel: Ivy! Violet! What's your class?

Ivy: My class name is Angel? It's literally a random name! Grade 5 was different names right?

Violet: There weren't any Angel or Demon class name either. My class name is Demon! What the heck! *Looking at paper* It even got any evil face in my paper

Hazel: My class name is...*looking at paper* Angel! Yay Ivy! We're same class!

Violet: Excuse me! I'm different class

Ivy: I'm sorry Violet. We can't do anything.

Teacher: Everyone can go to class now

Grade 6 going to their class

Hazel: Ivy, let's go!Bye Violet! *Walked away*

Violet: Bye! * In mind* ( Hmm because I'm different class my plan is going to be fail at 3 February! I have an idea! I will act like that! *Mischievous grin*)

To be continue...

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