The beginning

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At the end of school 6th grader Anna was excited for the summer as she had some awesome plans,it was nearly the end of the school she went to the bathroom and as she is coming out she noticed that someone had locked the door, she immediately starts calling for help but the bell rang,as the students were leaving Anna tried her best to call out for help but her cries could not be heard because of the loud noise the kids were making at the hallway.

Soon it got dark and everyone had left the school,

it was 20:00 pm (8 pm) and she tried her best to kick the door but then the door cracked a bit and she got some hope to escape.

As she continued to kick the door a loud sound of a bell ringing could be heard.

That shocked her and she was frozen and horrified it was just like the normal bell ring but after it stopped she heard a loud scream

"Hello is anyone there"
Anna said as she was shivering in fear,
there was no answer.

Anna found a small hole on the corner of the door she sticked her hand in and opened the lock from the other side,

She got out and when she looked at the hallway it was very dark and scary but the thing that shocked Anna was that the hallway was endless and there were infinite amount of classes and the windows were boarded up but how?

Anna never heard any noise until now and there's no way someone could finish boarding up an infinite amount of windows,
she thought she was hallucinating because she was hungry and tired she just kept walking forward.

Part 2 coming soon.

Now I know I'm not a professional writer I just wrote this for fun!

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