I dont wanna be here (fnaf - sun/moon x reader)

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( Quick explantion:

Y/n got fired from their previous job. Its okay though, I mean- they've saved up a ton and can focus on their hobbies. Like knife throwing :D
But their friend, Joe, has other plans. They convince them to apply to a position at the pizzaplex.
And... they get the job. Job is ecstatic, Y/n... not so much
But they till take the job and.. well, you'll find out the rest )


I watched as the knife slammed into the target, right through its neck
I grinned to myself as I picked up another knife, tossing it in my hand a bit before rearing up to throw it.
"Uh- hey"
I spun around, my arm still raised and the knife still clutched in my hand. They flinched.
I relaxed, smiling.

"Hey, Chloe!"
"Oh- uh, hey" they glanced nervously at the knife in my hand "do you- mind, uh"
I followed her gaze, my eyes widening. I gave her an apologetic look.
"Damnit- sorry, forgot" I put the knife back where it was.
"It- its okay" whe smiled sheepishly, rubbing the back of her neck

We ended up walking put of the archery type training thing- i don't know what the fuck its called- and towards the bakery Joe owns.
"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked her, shoving my hands into my pockets. I was hot I the building, but now were outside ei had to throw my hoodie back on.
She shrugged "Joe actually was the one who wanted to talk to you..."

For wearing very confident and energetic outfits, and having a very bubbly personality towards people she doesn't know, when she's around us she's much more reserved and shy. Im no sure why honestly- eccecially when I'm holding a knife probaly because she thinks you're gonna kill her, dimwit

Soon we got to the bakery and I pushed through the door, hearing the bell above jingle. I held it open for Chloe, letting her in, before shutting the door and walking in behind her.
Jóse was at the counter and waved to us with a grin. Oh yeah, Jóse is Joe's twin brother.
... long story. No its not, im just lazy

We walked up to him and I leaned against the counter. The store was practically barren at the moment. I raised an eyebrow.
"So... where's Joe?"
"In the back" Jose told me, turning to organize something
"Can you get him for me-?"
"He wanted to talk to me"
His face lit up in recognition as he looked at me "oh! Right! Yeah, hold on"

He rushed off into the back and I turned to Chloe, who was mostly just standing back quietly. I smiled at her, trying to be reassuring as she looked a bit nervous. She didn't say anything, bit I was pretty sure I made it worse.
I sighed and turned back as Joe came back. Jóse wasn't with him though, I guess he was organizing thing in the back now.

How leaned against the counter, grinning at me "so I've got some news"
I crossed my arms "and?"
"I have a job idea"
I rolled my eyes "Joe- I dont-"
He cut me off, shaking his head "Y/n, I know. 'You're fine, you've saved up enough for a few months', but I think its just the best financially to get a job. And it's really well paying. Just-" he sighed, pulling out an application "just look at it, okay? I think you'll be interested.

He handed it to me and I looked down at it. Daycare attendant, mechanic, and security gaurd? Seriously? 3 jobs in one? And kids? Holy fuck, which is Joe thinking! That you'll get laid

I looked back up at him with a glare "seriously?"
He shrugged "just check it out, okay? Now shoo, costumers are coming" he said, giving me a shoo motion. I sighed, giving him the finger before leaving, Chloe following behind me.

A job, huh? Hmm.... well, we'll see how it goes.

- - -

Fuck, great i had gotten the interview. Welp, I guess this is my time to shine. I put my hand on the door and slowly opened it-
Only to be met with the door pushing against me and an employee sneaking out of the office, looking slightly disheveled. They looked at me with wide eyes but I just zipped my lips and they sighed before leaving, fixing up their hair.

I walked into the office, already having bad expectations. The manager, who literally gave the worst vibes ever, looked up at me with a creepy smile.
"Ah, yes, uh-" he looked down at his papers, looking through it before spelling out my application "y/n! Yes, y/n. Hello, im Mr. Malum, but you can call me Andras" his smile grew
Okay, but vibes increasing.

God I just want to get this done and over with.
And luckily, it seemed Mr Malum had the same plan
"So, uhm- there honestly isn't much to say, you're hired. We'll send your schedule and uniform by tomorrow at the latest. Can you start monday?"

I was speechless, just staring at him. I finally shook my head "oh- uh, yeah! I- I guess?"

He grinned "then, its settled. Okay, uh- thats all, you are free to go. If you want"

Yup, that last comment sent the bad vibes meter over rather edge. I sighed.
"No- no im fine. I'll be leaving now"
"Are you sure-"
"Im compeltley sure sir" I tried to sound pleasant as I backed out of his office.
I sighed in relief as the door shut.
That was the worst interview ever.

God- im hired? Holy shit. Well, let's hope the job is worth it.

- - -

"JOE WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled into the phone, knowing that my friend was most likley visibly cringing at the volume at my voice
"What?" He asked groggy, most likley just waking up
"Jow, the company just sent me a life waiver form" I hissed at him
That seemed to catch his attention.

"Wait, seriously? Oh fuck-" I could hear him tap his fingers on what I was assuming was his desk
"Yeah, why the hell did you walk me into getting this job??"
"I didn't know! It sounded cool and I know you like robotics"
"Not robotics where the robots are going to fuckign kill me!"

He was silent for a moment and I sat the waiver on my desk, sitting down in my chair "just..." I sighed "I don't know what to do"
"You could decline the job, ooorrr, ya know- sign the waiver and see how it goes?" The idea seemed crazy, why would I sign his?

But... I just sat there, quietly. I weighed the options. Signing it did sound interesting... I mean-
No! No, I could die.
I stared down at the waiver, picking up a pen
Fuck.. am I really doing this?

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