On The Weekend

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All night I couldn't help but feel like he was watching me . Sure , that's what every girl seems to think at a show when they see a band that they love , with members that they're attracted to .

Always feeling like theyre the one girl out of the entire stadium that he "notices" for a split second even . But it was more than that .

Every time I would shift my glances from one member back to him , always , he was looking back at me . Which made it hard to believe it was just a lucky split second scenario .

My best friend and I had been planning to see these guys for months . But , lucky me , she got sick last minute and couldn't make it . So I came alone . I've always made a rule for myself to never go to shows alone .

But these were front row seats , and I wasn't about to pass up an opportunity to see my favorite band .

The lead vocalist , Luke , made his way back to his microphone after running laps around the stage and making a goof of himself .

"Thank you guys so much , we hope you all enjoyed yourselves because we certainly did . Sadly this next song will be our last but it definitely won't be our last time here . We are 5 Seconds of Summer , and this is Wrapped Around Your Finger ."

The music started playing , and my heart began to race . This song has always been one of my favorites of theirs , and it just made it better that the first few lines were sung by Michael .

"I'm wrapped around your finger

Throwing rocks at your window at midnight

You met me in your backyard that night

You were mine for a night

I was out of my mind

You were mine for a night

I don't know how to say goodbye"

He sang , almost as if he were singing directly to me . We kept eye contact the entire time almost .

As they walked off stage I felt an overwelming sense of sadness knowing the night was over . The show was amazing and even though I had to go alone , it was worth it .


It seemed like it was taking forever for the people to thin out of the ampitheater enough for the people in my area to get out .

At one point I got tired of standing waiting so I sat down on the ground with my back against the barricade , and pulled my phone out just so I wouldnt be standing here doing nothing .

From the looks of it , it was gonna be a while before I was going anywhere . After sitting here for at least another half hour , a security guard walked over to me and tapped me on the shoulder .

"Am I not allowed to sit here ? I'm sorry if I broke any rules , my legs just got tired ." I sighed , assuming that's what he wanted . I loved this venue , but the security here was always a pain in the ass .

You could sneeze the wrong way and they would kick you out and ban you from ever coming back .

"No , miss ." He chuckled to himself . A wave of relief came over me , knowing I didn't have to get up after all .

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