Act One

11 1 2

Akaria's POV


The cold summer breeze swept over me like an icy coffin. The sun was setting now on the horizon, rockets of red and yellow shooting out from behind the mountain. I would have to go inside soon, but today I would push my luck, something I would soon come to regret. Of course at the moment, I was feeling quite rebellious. Day after day it seemed as though I was trapped in a cage of cement, horrified of the dangers outside. Today was the one year anniversary accident. The accident that shocked every single person to their core. The accident that killed half of Earth's population, including my parents and my friends. The accident that left me an orphan and a scavenger.

                Today was the anniversary of when the demons came from Hell.

                They had arrived in swarms of every shape and size, animal-like hunters with no other priorities than to kill everything that moved. They used not only their claws and teeth, but many other tricks and tools as well. The first big attack was in New York, a major landmark in my country. One of the higher ups dropped an enormous poison bomb. Most were killed off by the initial blast, others left to die slowly in their own blood. The demons had no mercy, every single one was a writhing mass of hate and disgust, intent on killing mankind.

                Of course by now you may be wondering how I happened to survive, a story that isn't quite as heroic as you might think. After they came to our town, I hopped onto my bike and headed up into the mountains. I figured that they wouldn't go to somewhere that was basically void of all human life. Initially the different nation's militaries fought back against the demons but over time we lost more and more battles. Tens of thousands of people were killed.

                So of course, anyone who had a speck of intelligence started to go into hiding. Most I'm sure had to learn how to defend themselves from whatever immediate threat was out there. I, myself, raided a hunting store on the way out of the city and picked up a dual set of hook-like weapons. Ever since I had been using the trees and whatever else I could find as sparring partners. The only safe time that I could go out and train was in the day when none of the demons could come out into the open.

                Anyways, as I was expressing before, the sun was setting over the distant horizon as I sat in the wreckage of a torn down apartment building. I had set up my camp not far from here in a cement bunker probably made my some apocalypse junkie. It's too bad they didn't live long enough to use it. I hopped down from the building using torn up cell phone tower wires as vines. After living so long in the forest, I had learned some tricks on how to get around. As I slowly started walking down the street, I started to hear a low rumbling sound coming from behind me.

                I drew out my weapons and flipped around, only to be faced by what seemed like a monstrous centipede. This was not good. The demon was a level 5 at least, the top of its body reaching highs of thirty or forty feet. Sheer panic gripped my body as I realized that I was going to die. A small voice in the back of my head encouraged me to keep breathing in and out, and so I did. After a few seconds I was able to regain control over my body, but not soon enough. The demon lunged at me, leaving a large gash across my arm. I hopped back as it regained its position. I was bleeding bad and red blood stained my, now torn, purple jacket. I gripped tighter onto my hooks and ran toward the monster. Hey, if I was going to die, I might as well go out with a bang. As I was about half-way there a shadow figure jumped out from the shadows. The way it moved seemed human-like but as soon as I saw it fight I knew that that wasn't the case.

This was definitely a demon.

                The question was, why would it bother to save me? Or perhaps there was some other reason that it was fighting. Well actually, it was more like destroying. With one single swipe of its claws, the centipede demon was torn in two. The ground quaked as the two pieces of dead meat crashed to the ground. Breathing fast and heart pounding, I looked over at the second demon. Its head whipped to the side and its cat eyes tore right through me. It, or more like he, had jet black ruffled hair covered by a light grey beanie. He wore a long sleeved light grey shirt covered by a short sleeved galaxy shirt with a yellow sign on it. The oddest and hottest thing was probably his black skinny jeans to be honest. How does he fight in those things?? Must be a demon thing.

                "Who are you?" He asked, his eyes narrowing.

                My mouth quivered as I attempted to answer him, but no words came out of my mouth. I had just jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire. I mean I thought the first demon was bad, but this one was even worse. Only the highest class of demons had a humanoid vessel. I finally swallowed my fear and responded.

                "A-Akaria Skibai" I stuttered out.

                He took a step toward me, anger flaming in his eyes. "That's not what I mean."

                His voice was tense, but I didn't understand. If he wasn't asking my name, what was he asking?

                "Maybe my question would be better phrased as what are you? Why is Korray looking for you? You're just a human, not even a strong one at that."

                UHM RUDE MUCH?

"I don't know what you're talking about." I mumbled out.

"I didn't expect you to." He sighed. "Although I am ordered to take you back. So, you'll be coming with me."

There was a flash of light as I felt a quick breeze behind me. How had he moved so fast? I hardly even had time to respond before he grabbed my wrists. Although bad for him, someone was not far behind.

"Kylinn Gethin, how did I not expect you to be here?" The maiden said elegantly swooping a pair of earphones off her head that quickly transformed into a bow and arrow, nearly missing Kylinn's heart and instead hitting his left arm.

The pressure left my wrists as he hopped back to safety.

"Vriena, what a surprise." He said, the edge of his mouth rising into a smirk. He pulled the arrow out of his arm and inspected the glowing tip. "Angel light? You really were going in for the kill. I'd expect nothing less from Korray's ex."

This obviously ticked the girl off as she was quick to respond. "SHUT THE HELL UP. That was a mistake on both of our parts and he knows it. Say one more thing on the matter. I dare you because my next arrow won't miss."

"Hah, like I'd let you even come close." He glanced at me. "I'll be back soon, and I won't be going home without my prize."


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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2015 ⏰

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