Dear You

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Dear You,

The rain is still pouring loudly outside.

While the  aroma of our favorite coffee comforts me in the four corner of my room.

And I am here sitting in front of my notebook writing the words I should have said before.

Lot of thoughts were running through my mind.

What should I write first?

Where do I start?

And how will I start something that I know that has already ended?

I would lie if I say that I am not hurting everytime I reminisce about every memory that we had together. It's been both the happiest and painful part of my life.  From the moment you told me I am the most beautiful girl to that one night you left me because I am no longer that girl you admired before. Because I changed.

And I didn't regret that.

But that doesn't mean that I am okay with you leaving me and us falling apart. 

I'm used to you always being there by my side, supporting me from all the things I do even if it means slowly losing me.

I'm used to you always understanding me especially at the time I also can't understand myself.

I'm used to love  that  never gets tired.

A love you made me feel for three years.

You never failed as my man yet I failed in becoming the woman you deserve.

And our story made me realize that everything has an ending. That no matter how much you love someone, there will come a day when you will be tired and the only choice left is to give up.

And I am sorry because I know that I am the reason why you give up.

I am sorry for prioritizing my dreams more than you.

I am sorry for making you feel that you're not worth fighting for.

I am sorry for choosing to end us rather than fix it

I am sorry for choosing that title over you.

Sorry for hurting you.

But I want you to know that I am not sorry for what happened to us.

Because it somehow brings us to where we are right now.

Might not be on each other's side but at least were now with each other's happiness. 

I am halfway to getting that title.

And now you're near  achieving yours-- to be happily married.

Truly we are each other's expectation and not reality.

That's what destiny has for us. Just like some lovers out there,  we met, we love, we stay, we try and we fall apart. How ironic it is that we started by falling with each other and ended by falling apart.

And I want to thank you for all the laughs, tears, ups and downs I went through with you.

Thank you for holding my hands for a long time.

Thank you for letting me realize my worth.

Thank you for bringing out the best in me.

You will always have a special place in my heart but not as a lover but as someone who once became the reason why it  beats.

And for the last time I want to say that I loved you.

I love you.

That's the words I should have said to you before.

Now our favorite coffee is already cold.

And the rain finally stopped.

So I guess it's a goodbye


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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