The Enemy Within

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Mé- Killing, is something really special.. at least for me. It's something really short, yet really long, when you're doing it. It brings you tons of different emotions, like fear, joy, sadness, laughter... But the thing that makes it even more special is that, when you're killing someone, you truly feel that you're alive.(Sneered) This is making me remember my first kill, the first time that death was summoned by me, the first time that I saw someone die right in front of me, I mean bellow me to be precise. I was.. fourteen or thirteen I can't remember, it was one of those meaningless November night where it was windy, even rainy, and the sky was gray and dark, as usual, there were no stars nor moon to illuminate the little town that I lived in. Back then I was nothing, just someone that was learning the "mystical arts" as they called it, and at that moment I was just heading back home. A drunk guy was walking towards me in the sewer that was my home city, he try to say a couple of non sens thing before getting angrier and pulling a fucking axe from his back, and why the heck was he hiding an ax on his back?! Whatever, the point is, he tried to slice me back and fourth but he was too drunk to even aim at me properly. I was tired of the same people that were drunk and that were casually passing here, in front of my temple, threatening and attacking some other magic users like me. So I created a knife with my mystical powers, I ran towards that degenerate and I stabbed him, right in his leg, immobilizing this bastard. He was crawling into the street to escape me, to see if someone would like to help a son of a bitch like him. (Giggles) He was scared of me, he was bleeding, a lot, he was suffering and I never felt happier to see someone being that pathetic. And also, on that moment, I've never felt more powerful and more threatening than ever, I wasn't a nobody anymore, I was the incarnation of evil, at least for him or rather from his point of view I should say. I took the knife out of his leg and I stepped above him, ready to unleash the final strike, but, on that moment, it was like time was slowing itself down, seconds were hours, movements required all of my strength... I was hesitating, was I ready to take the life of an intelligent being, of a human being? Was I ready to slice his body with my little arm and knife? Was I ready to become a monster? Yes of course totally I was, and I stabbed him three times in his chest, yet for me, he wasn't a human being, he was just nothing, he was trash. I could see what was inside his body, his bones, lungs, organs... All that kind of stuff, but I didn't stop myself, three times wasn't enough, I needed more, I needed to stab him more than just that, so I continued till he looked concretely as nothing. And, in my relentless efforts to make this man look like what he really was, I killed someone, this.. drunk guy was my first kill, the first of many more to come. So yes, form me, killing is a rite, killing is a very fast moment that will bring you extraordinary feelings, that will transform you for the rest of your life, and that will either break or enhance who you really are. Am I right?


About five to six month after Taste of Delusion.

Mé- But that's just killing, from what I see, you're not really familiar with this... rite, so I'm gonna go on another approach with you. Let me tell you my story, from the beginning, not the beginning, like, beginning but the beginning of... You understood what I meant.

1320: In an obscure forest in Northern Ireland, Méphisto, that stole a powerful artifact called "the gift from beyond" which looked like an orb, was being chased by sorcerers. He was about to conjure a spell using that artifact, yet, the one looking for him found the villain but unfortunately, he achieved to launch his devilish spell. 

Raoul- It is over Jack, give us back the artifact that you took and we'll head back home, okay?

Henry- There's no use from running away Jack, you're surrounded. 

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