Olivia Hensley

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Olivia Hensley
With unpredictable weather, Ark vile village exists at the border line of Walaire country. The village surrounded by dense forest had a lone church and a decent number of houses. People had little connection to the outside world but they often had visitors.
The church seemed to be running smoothly with no monetary issues or what so ever. Children no older than 16 inhabited the church. Older ones left only never to return for better or worse. All the visitors were hosted by the church as they had enough accomodations.
A girl with dark brown or almost black eyes with dense black hair, fair skin, was waiting nervously near the church gate, hiding from the guards. Her friends were suppose to come ten minutes prior but they were late for some reason. With time ticking the girl got anxious.
Finally, she heard her name calling in a hushed voice, "Olivia". Olivia Hensley turned to see her friends coming to her. She breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What took you guys so long!". Nathaniel getting somewhat annoyed said, " We are here now, let's get going unless you want us to be caught and you know what happens when one is caught. Right!".
Without anyone notice the four girls, Olivia, Nathaniel, Ana and Samantha sneaked out at the time of evening.
In the beginning, the girls were together but at some point they got separated. Samantha and Nathaniel were enjoying themselves at the second hand clothes store. Ana liked the company of books better than humans. Being a bookworm, she decided to stay in the library and took as much advantage of this opportunity as possible.
Meanwhile Olivia was strolling the festival ground mindlessly when a necklace caught her attention. It was simple yet attractive one. She asked the owner, "How much for this, sir". The owner replied" 3 silver coins pretty girl". Olivia bargained and settled at a price of 2 silver coin. Then she decided to go somewhere quiet for some peace of mind. She walked to the forest, admiring the tall trees and serenity spread all around her. Then suddenly she felt some eyes on her. She looked around but found nothing so she let it go.
When leaving the church, the girls decided to meet at one specific place if they got separated.
On hearing the evening bells, all of them went to that specific place except for Olivia. She was late and the girls could not wait any longer. So they decided to leave Olivia back and return to the church before someone notices there absence.
In the forest, Olivia, in her own line of thoughts, had walked quite far and was struggling to return back. Anxiety was getting to her with every turning second. She heard some weird sounds, unknown of their source. Instead of getting away from the sounds, she did opposite. What she saw was beyond her wild imagination. There was a man tied to a tree and some wolves were approaching him. The man looked to be unconscious. Without a second thought Olivia screamed. The wolves turned there heads towards the now shivering young girl. She had gone numb with the danger she has gotten herself into. Her feet were not ready to listen to her and were stuck to the ground.
Ana, Samantha and Nathaniel enetered their church room safely. The girls were getting anxious for Olivia. Ana; "Why didn't Olivia return?  We should have looked for her. What if she had gotten herself into some problem?" Nat; " Shut it Ana!. She will be fine. She will return before morning. Not a big deal. Now sleep will ya". Sam; "Be safe Olivia". With this the three girls dozed off without having a clue of their friend.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Feb 22, 2023 ⏰

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