I Let Her Go

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And I knew from that instant that life would never be the same again. Not in the traditional sense. Sure, I would carry on getting up every single morning. Opening up the shop and seeing the regular customers and commuters popping in to grab their morning snacks before heading to work. But it would never look how it used to, not since she walked in with all those colors spread across her sweater like a rainbow. Her vibrant laugh, the crooked smile she would give me when I would catch her off guard. The way a single strand of hair would fall and caress her cheek. She didn't just wake me up from this coma, she woke up the entire town with her aura, her energy, herself. A town that had been plagued with devastation over the past year was finally living and breathing again like it should. Nothing will ever look the same again, as I watched her leave for the final time I knew in my heart that we would never see each other again. It was the right way for it to go, she had served her purpose but it still didn't make the loss of her any easier. A beautiful ghost, almost a mystery.But she is mine. She will always be mine and I think she knows that deep down.
She belongs to me and I let her go.

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