The ghost child

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    New kid Mike Jones and his family had just moved into a new neighborhood. While his parents unpacked their bags and boxes, Mike got bored.

"Mom, dad can I go outside and make some new friends?" Mike asked. His mom was happy to hear that.

"Of course dear." Said Mrs. Jones. "But be back inside before it gets dark, got it?" Mike nodded his head and went outside.

He went to the house that was right next door to them, knocked on the door, and waited for an answer.

A girl his age came and opened the door. "What do you want?" She asked. Mike got scared and didnt want to say anything back, but he knew he would have to say something before she got mad. "Are you ok?" She asked Mike who was staring at her looking scared.

He stood there still not saying anything, then finally Mike spoke. "Nothing. Hi I'm Mike." He said. Then there was a loud voice coming from behind them.

"Hey!" The voice said. They both looked over to see who it was. It was a kid at the house across the street.

"Do you know him?" Mike asked the girl. The girl looked at Mike like he was stupid, but she knew Mike was new here.

"Yes I know him." Said the girl. "Oh by the way, my name is Lisa Walker." The kid from across the street came over into Lisa's yard.

"What are you guys talking about?" Asked the kid.

"Nothing you need to know." Said Mike. "Besides I dont know you." He finished. The kid looked at Mike like he was stupid.

"Oh well my name is Tom Woods." He said. Tom and Lisa explained that they had a lot in common but the one thing that was different about them is that Lisa likes mystery and Tom don't.

"Hi Tom, my name is Mike Jones." Mike said finally introducing himself. The three of them sat around bored and was thinking about what to do. "Hey lets go to my house." Mike said. Lisa and Tom liked that idea.

They went to Mike's house and Mike asked his mom was it ok. "Mom can my friends come in our house?" Asked Mike. She said yes. Mike opened the front door and waved at his friends to come in. They came in Mike's house standing by the door.

"Alright then, but you can't be loud, got it." Mike's mom siad. Mike nodded and went to the basement.

"Ok guys, you are going to be amazed." Said Mike.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2013 ⏰

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