D-DAY : Praimfaya

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The orange glow is reflected on the walls licked by the flames of the Polis' tower. The flames agitate, merge or separate in a destructive dance. A force synonymous with devastation and yet so mesmerizing. Yellow and orange combine to give such a show. Shadows are reflected on the walls of the tower heating up: a long hand stretching towards the window, a head whose face is erased by the fog. The bricks hold firm but they are nothing compared to the radiation coming to interfere through the rare cracks and the underside of the closed door. And when the wave rises to overlook the building, the screams stop. Voices are forever gone while Praimfaya has taken over, waves of death destroying anything on their way until they recover the whole surface of the earth as a coat of flames.

BECCA'S ISLAND (340km from Polis)

The woods are scattered with corpses. Animals who suffocated from the radiation. Others are weakly running between the trees, trying in vain to escape the burning woods. No one is safe. Not even the blond girl at the bottom of the satellite tower. Yet, all she cares about is finding a way to connect the damn satellite communications tower to the one up in the sky to power it up from the ground. It's their last way to survive. But when the panel indicates it can only be aligned manually, she understands she was never meant to leave with them. Her role has always been to save her people, her friends.

"Raven, Bellamy... If you can hear me... Don't wait for me" Clarke says but her words are overridden by the sound of the earth breaking apart.

Her voice breaks just for a second. A second that feels like an eternity as she realizes what she has to do. And when she tightens her grip around the ladder, she is only filled with determination. She doesn't waver, not on her way up to the satellite, not when she spots a rocket aiming for the ring. It slowly disappears between the clouds, her friends leaving nothing but a trail of smoke behind. She's all alone and well aware she's just sacrificed herself as she glances at the enormous heat wave coming for her. And with it : death. She knows it and that's why there is no chance in hell she would go down without saving her friends. One last time. They have to live, at least them. So she pulls and pushes the satellite until a small bip resonates on the tablet. The current is one. She gaps of relief when the screen suddenly turns blank. Out of frustration, she throws it away, the tablet crushing on the ground a few meters away in a heavy sound quickly overridden by the noise of destruction surrounding her. There is no time to waste.

Her muscles are tense, her heart is racing and her breath is short. The heat is making her sweat beneath all of this hazmat suit now slippering. It's even harder now to get down the ladder in a hurry. That's why, when she's about two meters from the ground, fear takes over and she tries to speed the pace but it only ends with her feet missing the next metal bar. Clarke grunts as she hits the floor, a shiver of pain running down her spine. For a second, her ears are ringing because of the shock and her vision gets blurry. But she doesn't give up. She can't. So she stands up as best as she can and just starts running, running for her life.

Weakened by the heat, Clarke stumbles more than she runs towards Becca's lab where she will be protected from the fire. At least she hopes so. When she trips down on a large root she is able to prevent herself from getting hurt but her mask hits the ground in a sharp noise. Her eyes widen as she sees cracks appearing on the glass. Radiations are getting in.

If the heat burns Clarke's skin, the smoke is way worse. It seeps through her throat or nose to consume her interior and block her lungs. Her eyes are crying. Or is it tears of sadness as she watches what was once her refuge fall to ashes? She can't say, she doesn't even think of it. All she cares about is reaching the laboratory and surviving. It's what she keeps repeating in her head as she stands up again to carry on. The wave of fire is close behind her, so close it seems it's skimming her body.

When she reaches the door, she puts all of her last strength to close it behind her. When the death wave hits it from front, Clarke stumbles back. Too frail to make another step, she crashes on the nearest table, taking her mask off before puking everything she's been holding on. Meaning : blood included. The last thing she sees is the white table now stained red before her vision gets blurry and everything turns black.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2023 ⏰

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