Chapter one - Rebellion

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Possible tws
Major charecter death
(Yes in the first chapter nerd)
Gore-ish? (Idk)
Reader descension is advised

Aries trained with his father, his father was the chief of the StarGazers.He'd drop his spear multiple times while training, quickly becoming frustrated, " Calm down, Aries. You'll get the hang of it soon " his father reassured Aries as he demonstrated the attack once more. He attempted to replicate his father's moves, but promptly failed. Aries threw his spear across the floor, flopping down onto the ground as tears welled up in his eyes. " Why can't I seem to get it?! " Aries cried out, waiting for a response from his father. " Your form is off " his father replied as he offered a hand to his son. Aries took his hand and got up, sprinting to grab his discarded spear. " Your feet are supposed to be visibly spread out,one in front of the other, same with your arms. Take the spear in your dominant hand, using your non-dominant hand to balance and aim, then chuck the spear with all your force. " His father explained simply. It wasn't simple to Aries, in fact it was very difficult for him, but nonetheless he followed his mentor's instructions. His father stopped his pose and fixed Aries's stance. "Now throw the spear", Aries threw the spear with all his might. The spear went a couple of feet away. Aries smiled "Did you see that papa?! I did it!" He exclaimed, "Amazing job superstar!" his father smiled.

"I think that's enough for today, I think your mother needed a few things from the store down the street. Can you go grab them for her?"
Aries nodded enthusiastically. He enjoyed helping his mother, though he didn't get to see her a lot. His father told him she was very sick and could get him sick. His father handed him a list of medicines and spices, "be back by lunch" his father said. Aries clutched the list as he hopped through the dirt roads, greeting the people around him. He arrived at the shop, quickly grabbing the items on the list, plus some extra snacks for himself. He arrived at the counter. The cashier was talking to a man behind the counter, " they're planning to strike later today,, " the man said, the cashier nodded and noticed Aries standing there, quite confused. " Ah! Didn't see you there. " the cashier chuckled. Aries placed the items onto the counter, the cashier quickly rang up the items, "that'll be $20" he placed the money on the counter and took the items, exiting the store shortly after. Aries walked slower than before, wondering what he meant when the strange man said "they'll strike later today" he hoped it wasn't anything bad.

Aries arrived at the palace, skipping through the halls. He peered into the training room to see if his father was still there, he had been polishing the spears, crossbows, and other weapons. He fully entered the room, giving his father the bag. He peered into the bag, making sure all was there. "Thank you, your mother will appreciate that." He mentioned. His father placed the bag at a nearby table.

"Papa, can I ask you about something?" Aries muttered, holding his arm nervously, "Of course superstar, what's the issue?" His father replied, placing a hand on his head.
"When I was at the store, the cashier and a strange man were talking about someone striking somewhere. Are the stargazers planning on attacking somewhere?" He timidly spoke, "No? The stargazers are on hiatus, 2 people were badly injured. We can't risk attacking." His father revealed with a worried tone. Aries looked up at his father, "What do you think it means then?" Aries squeaked
"I don't know, all I know is that it won't be good. We have to get the stargazers ready, we don't know if now or later-" he was cut off in the middle of his sentence, roars of voices were heard outside. Aries's ears perked up as the cries became louder and more pronounced. "Shit. Get the stargazers, and go hide." His father hurriedly said

Aries ran through the halls, knocking on doors and sending troops to the training room. Afterwards he briskly found a hiding spot, it was a bit tight but it would do. He was worried for his dad, he didn't want him to get injured. He sat quietly, tears streaming down him face, he was scared.
What if they hurt his mama? No one's there to protect her, she's all alone.
He could hear the battle going on, they were ransacking the palace, why were they doing this? Aries covered his ears, he couldn't bear to hear his father's cries.

Time passed, Aries lost track of the hours. But when the cries of the rebellion and stargazers quieted, he came out of the spot.
He tip-toed through the destroyed halls, arriving at the training room, it was bloody.
He stared into the room now painted red.
In the center of the room was his father, a spear pierced through his abdomen. "No.. no it can't be." Aries ran to his lifeless body, he fell to his knees. " Why?! Why would they do this! " He cried out, his tears landing on the ground. It was uncannily silent. He needed to run, they might still be here. He grabbed a discarded spear and ran out of the ruined palace, there was no one outside, the once full dirt roads now run dry of people. He peeked into shops to see if there was anyone left, no one. Aries entered stores to get supplies, still no one in sight, he wondered if there were any survivors at all. Once he got supplies to last him a month, he was on his way to the forest.

971 words

Author note
Mmmm angst 💥

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2023 ⏰

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