Pandora Constructs An Interdimensional Portal

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A note lies on a table. People--scientists, no less--are screaming, running from something, but you have no idea what. You feel compelled to read the letter, and despite the obvious danger, you do.

"After years upon years of government-funded, secret research, Temperature Science (not to be confused with Aperture Science for legal reasons) has finally done it. We've finally created a portal that can take humans to other universes. After various tests and lost employees, we are confident our latest model will carry humans not just through space, but through time, through dimensions, and even through universes. Our only current concern is the possibility of hostile lifeforms on the other side."

You hear something behind you. You turn around...

You wake up in a cold sweat. It was a dream. You quickly forget about it as you go on with your day. At school, a whopping two passing periods go by before you start seeing students vaping in the bathroom, so overall it's a good day.

And then fate ruins it.

It's been half an hour since the alarms started, and they haven't stopped. About 7 minutes ago, the principal was brutally mauled with no time to turn the intercom off beforehand. That was probably the most traumatizing 4 minutes of your life so far. Nobody is talking, not even whispering. this silence is one of the few things you didn't think you would ever hear from this class. The police have yet to arrive, so you're forced to continue waiting as whatever is in the school wanders through the halls outside the classroom.

The tension is agonizing...

Fact of the chapter: I don't know if this counts as a cliffhanger, but I don't really care.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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