Chapter One: Page 1

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Mira paced back and forth, wondering if lying her way into royalty was really the best choice. In her mind, it was the only choice. She started biting her nails out of anxiety. "I can finally be free of this hell. I won't have to be poor and get shouted at by the higher-up nobles." She whispered to herself. All I need is an entry ticket to the royal ball. A seemingly large pair of footsteps could be heard from behind her. "Are you quite alright, m'lady?" Said a deep manly voice. Mira quickly turned to the sound of the man's voice. "Yes, sir, I appreciate your concern." She bowed before him out of respect. "My apologies, madam. I did not mean to frighten you." The man said. She lifted her head to see who she was speaking to. She shrieked. "King William! I apologize for my rudeness. Please have mercy." She said, stuttering. A tear fell from her eye. "Don't worry, you haven't offended me in the slightest dear. In fact, I enjoyed your little greeting." King William smiled then laughed. Mira gently moved her head to the side and blushed. "What is your name, young lady?" The king asked with a look of curiosity. "Mira... Mira Dacre, sir." A girl from a noble family? Well, this is quite the surprise. He thought to himself. "It's lovely to meet you, Mira. I do apologize, but I have to cut our conversation short. I have some business to attend to. I hope to see you again, Lady Dacre." He shook her hand and walked away. Once he was no longer in sight, she went back to the table to take a entry ticket to the dance. She reached her hand out then paused. Perhaps she didn't need a ticket after all.

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