Part 1

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You immediately knew this man was not human... his presence was big but also terrifying, his teeth Sharp, his eyes Gold, his hair like Flame, you felt your gut sink and it felt like your tongue was swollen making it impossible to mutter a single word as you looked up at him.
"Welcome to the Devildom!"
He said with a toothy grin.
You felt lightheaded and before you knew it everything was dark...

You jolted awake feeling sick, you could barely remember what happened before you fainted... you carefully observe your surroundings. The charcoal walls framed with gold.
the dark cherry wood furniture. You laid on a king sized bed decorated with white and red pillows a burgundy duvet covering the lower half of your body.

You jump at the sound of three knocks on the heavy wood door. "May I come in?" You hear a muffled silk voice.
A handful of seconds pass before the door gently cracks... "Mc... Are you up?" There was a teal haired man with a slender build, he wore a green button up, covered by an apron.

"Are you feeling well? I brought you some breakfast if you are hungry." The man smiles, pulling a cart into the room.

You stare in awe as he starts setting up the breakfast tray. "I figured you may want to eat alone since you were pretty frightened earlier" he laughs
"But you are not prisoner to this room."

"Why am I here?" You say with a weak voice,
He starts pouring a cup of tea before handing it to you.
"First drink this, the air here is deferent from what you are used to.
Humans tend to take awhile to get adjusted but this should speed up the process."

"And to answer your question...
The young master is trying to mend the bridge between the three worlds, you have been chosen to help with his project.
I am afraid that's all the information I can say, if you want more details you'll have to ask his majesty yourself."
He smiles as he puts his stuff back on the cart.

"If you need any assistance whatsoever you can just call for one of the servants we have all been ordered to make you as comfortable as possible!"
He gives you one last smile before making his way out of the room with his cart.

You look down into your cup, the small remnants of tea leaves floating in the light brown liquid, warmth radiating from the cup as you bring it up to your lips
You immediately feel the dryness of your throat go away as you take your first sip.

The tray before you resembled a feast , a variety of deferent fruits you have never seen before along with fresh baked bread, eggs, and something similar to bacon.

You cautiously take your first bite of the eggs, before you know it all that's left of the meal is a few crumbs.
You uncover your body,
sitting up and carrying the tray towards the door.

You poke your head out of the door looking down a lavish hallway, there were shadowy figures with horns sweeping and polishing away.
"Oh. Want me to take those from you madam?" A shadowing figure stops it's work and asks.

"Uhm yeah..." you say handing the tray over to the demon, it turns around and starts walking down the hall "wait! Is it ok if I follow you?" The demon stops looking back at you it's eyes glowing yellow.
"Ofcourse Madam mc,"


"And this picture is of the young masters fathers, fathers, father."
The demon explained, you stared into the portrait not knowing how you got into a tour of the castle in the first place.
"Uhm Little D no. 2, Mc, what are you doing... and why are you carrying around that tray?" You looked over at a familiar face

"Oh B-barbatos... we'll you see Mc practically begged me for a tour and I couldn't stand watching them in that state... tearing up and all that so i just had to give them a tour...." Beads of sweat started forming on the shadowy demons forehead.

"Hm is this true Mc?" Barbatos looks at you with his finger resting on his chin.
"Uhm..." you see Little D no. 2s panicked expression in your peripheral.
"Mhm it's true..."
You respond

"Oh... for a second I thought Little D no. 2 just dragged you into a tour to get out of doing his work, it wouldn't be the first time he's done it after all." Barbatos glares at the Little D.
"Speaking of work I really should finish it!
Mind taking these to the kitchen for me? Thanks!" The little D shoves the tray in Barbatos hands before disappearing down the hallway.

"What am I gonna do with him" He sighs,
"Well we can finish this tour later but for now let's take these to the kitchen and get you dressed." Even though he was smiling you could see the slightly visible vein in his forehead.

"Why do I need to get dressed?" You ask making him stop in his tracks.
"My apologies I got distracted and forgot to mention it to you,
The prince has requested you show up to dinner tonight." The butler continues his path.

"Why?" You ask mentally slapping yourself for asking such a stupid question.
"Well to discuss the project Ofcourse..." the butler never moving his gaze from the path.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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