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Evening. The city had fallen into darkness. Only the endless street lamps, traffic lights and all that brightened the way. The way Nagisa went home. Another day as a teacher has passed. The bag was heavy on his shoulders and he sighed wearily. He walked past many houses and alleys until he heard a noise from one of these alleys. Nagisa stopped. The noise had been so loud it could never have been a cat. Weird... but he didn't think anything of it. At first he just looked through the alley. He wanted to keep walking, but a strange feeling gripped him. A feeling that told him to go into the alley.
,,Hello? Is anyone there?" No one answered.
He continued walking into the alley. As he looked around the corner, he saw her. Her and someone else. The guy must have beaten her up or at least hit her so badly that she got a nosebleed. She was sitting on the floor leaning against the house behind her. She looked up at Nagisa. The guy followed her stare and also looked up at Nagisa. He gave her a last death glare and then slowly walked away.

Nagisa held out his hand for her, but she stood up herself without exchanging a word with him. They locked in each others eyes for a few seconds. Then she turned around and walked away. "Hey! Wait! What... what was that about? What did the guy want? What happend?" She didn't answer Nagisa's questions. The only thing she said before she jumped onto the rooftops and disappeared was, "You should never have seen that." Nagisa looked after her as she disapeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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