The Shining Reaches! Dark Ascent!

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This Dedication goes to all those who care about me and want to see all my dreams come true. Because of all your love I’m still inspired to keep writing. 
I would like to express sincere gratitude to everyone that inspires me and motivates me to write and for being an inspiration for me to get through so many trials and tribulations that allow me to even have an opportunity to write the best books possible! I would also like to acknowledge my readers for taking time to read my hard work. Thanks! Be blessed! 

The Shining Reaches
Startitan looked on in horror as blazing ships of pure fire and dark pods surging with grey lightning descended from the sky. He pulled out his star blade and quickly flew into action. BOOM! He met the first fleet of enemies’ ships and blasted them with the star energy from his blade. His energy cut a few of the ships in two and sent them crashing to the ground. Explosions rocked his home world as his soldiers joined him in the fight to protect their world. It had been years since a foe had attempted to invade his home world. He was the champion and hero that kept The Shining Reaches safe from outside invaders under the rulership of King K.J. Light. Now their freedom and his king’s kingdom were, in jeopardy and once again he was on the front line. “Glad you can join me.” He said to lysm who rode aboard a circular rocky cosmic charged disc. He watched as Cataclysm shook in rage and summoned 12 cosmic charged pillars from the ground. With a mighty impact, Cataclysm launched all 12 pillars to 12 of the ships which fired relentlessly down on them. Startitan was happy to see that Cataclysm’s attack had a wondrous effect. With 12 of the ships downed it opened more room for him to soar the navy-blue night skies and attack without holding back. “I wasn’t going to let you have all of the fun!” Cataclysm said clapping another fleet of ships with a huge lightning bolt. BOOM! Cataclysm’s lightning bolt did its damage and caused so much destruction that the attacking ships retreated to the main ship to regroup. “Let’s keep our attack going while we have a chance!” Cataclysm exclaimed. Startitan nodded in agreement and shot towards the retreating ships. BOOM! Out of nowhere, he was side swept with a powerful blast of fire energy. He hit the ground hard and rolled around out of control. He looked up to see the 11-foot enormous Aycranyxxt hovering a few feet above him. There was no mistaken the lion-faced fiery mane entity who ran the Planet of Blazing Stars with his fiery judgment. “What’s the meaning of this?” Startitan asked ascending to the sky to engage him. Aycranyxxt laughed and brandished his fiery blade that he forged in the fires of Screaming Flames. “THIS IS NOT MY WILL BUT THE WILL OF ANOTHER! I DON’T CARE FOR THE SHINING REACHES OR YOUR KING! HOWEVER, MY MADAME DOES!” He boomed. CLANG! BOOM! SIZZLE! Their energy blades collided on impact as they fought and struggled. Startitan found himself with a slight advantage due to his agility and speed. But with Aycranyxxt’s great strength it wasn’t enough. WHAM! Startitan gritted his teeth but held his own as Aycranyxxt slammed his fist into his face. He retaliated with a spinning star charged uppercut just as Cataclysm swooped in and blasted Aycranyxxt a few feet away with a massive pillar. Startitan added on to the attack with a powerful star blast from the palm of his hand. He watched as his purple and bluish energy blast slammed into Aycranyxxt and sent his fiery foe towards the ground. BOOM! Aycranyxxt landed with a tremendous force on the ground but maintained his footing. “IS THAT ALL YOU TWO WEAKLINGS GOT?” He mocked. Startitan and Cataclysm flew in for another attack. This time they combined star and lightning energy together. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Smoke billowed about on the battlefield and shrouded them all from each other’s view. When the smoke cleared Startitan was not surprised to see that Aycranyxxt was still standing and unfazed. Startitan somersaulted backward while Cataclysm shot up into the sky while Aycranyxxt charged up a massive fireball. “WHO IS YOUR MADAME AND WHAT DOES SHE WANT WITH THE SHINING REACHES?” Startitan bellowed angrily. Aycranyxxt laughed and pointed at his heart. “SHE WANTS LOVE AND BY NOW I’M PRETTY SURE THAT YOUR KING IS SUBMITTING TO HER AND HER SISTERS!” Startitan gasped and looked up at the sky base where K.J. Light lived. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but he could sense very powerful Salerians there and the energy that emanated from them wasn’t good. Meanwhile, K.J. Light sat in his room completely unaware of his home being invaded. As he wrote with his pens of light and listened to the music that played from his shimmering radio he was caught off guard with the sudden appearance of his mystic guide Mercedes. “Hey Mercedes- “My King you must hide the Rainbow Queens have learned of your existence. You must leave!” She said. K.J. Light laughed and shrugged her off. “Mercedes I’m not worried about no girls.” He said. “Right now, Startitan and Cataclysm are fighting against Aycranyxxt and his soldiers! I don’t think they can hold him off too much longer!” She exclaimed. K.J. Light felt rage surge within him. He was a peaceful king, but he didn’t play about anyone attempting to invade his home. He especially hated when his two guards Cataclysm and Startitan were in trouble. He summoned his light from within and attempted to summon his armored suit around him. Suddenly, BOOM! He was blasted by a powerful red energy blast. He coughed and hit the floor hard holding his heart. He felt as if he had been hit with a powerful love spell. As he clutched his heart feeling weird he watched in shock as seven of the most beautiful women walked into the room and easily overpowered Mercedes. K.J. Light for the first time in a while found himself weakened and defenseless as the women all eyed him with seductive looks on their faces. “Look at our treat sisters.” The first one said. “Can you sense that beautiful light coming from him? I can tell it tastes so good? It should be enough to satisfy us for eternity.” Another one said. “Who are you?” K.J. Light asked struggling to his feet. The first one stuck her tongue out at him. “My name is Yentynxia. And these are my sisters, Lesedi, Destiny, Sevynia, Havannah, Kiarra, and Tyscirly. We are the Rainbow Queens of Planet Avynia. We’re here to take what’s rightfully ours.” Yentynxia said. K.J. Light  looked at them in confusion. “Well I have plenty of riches! Take them! I don’t want to beat up on a bunch of girls.” He said. They all exchanged looks and laughs. Sevynia was the first to respond. She stuck out her tongue and shot a pink energy stream of hearts at him. The energy hearts hit K.J. Light in the face and caused him to feel mesmerized. He stumbled and swayed as the feeling of love began to overwhelm him. “Please stop it! Take my riches! I don’t want to hurt any of you!” He warned. They all laughed and closed in on him. K.J. Light shook off the energy attack that Sevynia hit him with and charged up a massive amount of light energy. He could tell by their shocked faces that they didn’t expect this side of him. “I WARNED YOU!” He bellowed. He quickly blasted all of them with light energy and watched as they all hit the floor. As he laid all of them out he quickly ran to Mercedes and healed her of all her ailments. Then he went to his window and looked to see how the battle was going. He was happy to see that Startitan and Cataclysm were holding their own against Aycranyxxt and his forces. From the looks of it they were on the verge of winning. K.J. Light quickly turned back just as Mercedes stood up and looked around at the damage that he had done. As she groaned in disappointment he summoned energy chains of light and prepared to ensnare the Rainbow Queens. “They played you.” Mercedes said shaking her head. K.J. Light paused in confusion. “What are you talking about?” He demanded. “This!” A soft voice said behind him. He screamed in pain as he felt fingernails rip into his back. He stumbled and turned to see that all of them had recovered and were behind him in front of the window. “But how?!” He asked. Mercedes shook her head. “They feed off light. Your light energy only allows them to unlock secret abilities and more attacks. Your powers are useless against them.” She said. K.J. Light gulped nervously and backed away. “So, what are you trying to say?” Mercedes dropped her mystical staff and moved away as they closed on him. “You belong to them now.” She said sadly. “No!” He said. Mercedes turned away as Yentynxia was the first to attack. She attacked K.J. Light with a powerful kiss that humbled him and made him drop to his knees. He screamed as Sevynia dug her nails into him and forced her lips on his neck. Lesedi began to kiss and suck on the light that surged around him. As they forced themselves on him and raped him he began to enjoy it and fully submit as they took turns and passed him around like a toy. “It’s not that bad is it?” Yentynxia asked kissing him on his neck. He tingled at how good it felt and closed his eyes. “No sweetie. It’s all good.” He said as she tossed him on his bed and stripped him naked. She got on top of him and sexed him until he climaxed. “Your light tool is so good!” She moaned climaxing with him. Mercedes cried and covered her eyes as Sevynia and Lesedi raped him next. With each turn they took on it came at a price. His light powers were slowly waning. Havannah, Destiny, Kiarra, and Tyscirly then took their turn and once again passed him to Yentynxia who went another long round with him. By this time the battle outside was over and Aycranyxxt and his forces had triumphed. Startitan and Cataclysm had fallen. Darkness filled The Shining Reaches as another ship descended through the atmosphere into the paradise. Sevynia smiled and got off K.J. Light. “Our father and mother have arrived girls.” She said. Yentynxia looked out the window and grinned mischievously as their father and mother Shogynton and Parastar appeared into the room in a portal of light and darkness. Mercedes gasped and slowly backed away as Shogynton applauded his daughters while Parastar embraced them. “Good job.” He said. “As promised father, The Shining Reaches is yours to rule.” Yentynxia said. Shogynton smiled at her with pride in his eyes and looked down at K.J. Light who was still mesmerized. “Not even you can stand against my daughters. Their power is too great. Put his clothes back on.” He said. Yentynxia motioned to Havannah to put K.J. Light’s clothing back on. Havannah followed instructions as Shogynton raised his hands and blew the roof off K.J. Light’s sky base. The navy-blue sky which was shimmering with beautiful silver stars glistened as K.J. Light’s creation gathered outside of their homes and looked up in a distraught manner. Shogynton then blew the entire wall off and showed himself to the people below. “I Shogynton have come a long way to overthrow your king and creator. Now I’m your king!” He said. With those words he used his darkness energies to warp the sky and turn it black. The stars turned from silver to red. Next, he turned the trees in to trees of flames and the grass turned rocky grey. No longer did The Shining Reaches look like what K.J. Light  had created it to be. Shogynton nodded to Yentynxia who picked K.J. Light up by his throat and kissed his lips once more. “Tell us your whole name sweetie.” She ordered. “Kavian Cecil Jennings .” He murmured in a pure love daze. With those words Yentynxia drained K.J. Light of all his powers and tossed him down to his creation. “No!” Kavian cried out as he hit the ground hard next to Startitan and Cataclysm who still lay in defeat under the huge boot of Aycranyxxt. Kavian looked up and felt his heart break as another entity appeared. He gasped when he saw that the entity looked just like him. “How could this be.” He said when he saw that it was his twin brother Kivion Cael Jennings aka K.J. Night. As Kivion kissed all the Rainbow Queens it dawned on Kavian that he had been betrayed. “You sold me out.” Kavian said. Kivion laughed and pointed down at him. “Look at how beautiful these Rainbow Queens are bro. I would sell you out again for these beauties.” Kivion said. Next to him Aycranyxxt finally took his boot off Cataclysm and Startitan. “So, boss what do you want me to do with them?” He asked. Shogynton looked at Kivion. “That’s all on you.” He said. Kiviongrinned evilly. “Toss them out to the stars. Let them drift in space for all I care.” Aycranyxxt nodded and picked all three of them up by their necks. Then with all his might he tossed them out of The Shining Reaches. Mercedes quickly reacted and opened a portal which she used to catch them with. Thanks to her quick reaction she made sure that they didn’t enter outer space. Instead she was able to transport them to the Realm of Destiny & Reality which was the home of Millenniol and Centouri. Millenniol and Centouri were the kings of this realm which controlled the reality and destiny of everything near them. “Thanks.” Kavian said as they landed on a red shimmering path which intertwined with a blue shimmering one. “Where are we? Cataclysm asked groaning in pain. “We’re in the Realm of Destiny and Reality.” She said. Kavian and Startitan gasped while Cataclysm gave her a nervous look. “Hold on. Isn’t this the realm of Centouri and Millenniol?” He asked. She nodded. “I don’t think that they’re going to like the fact that we’re here.” Cataclysm said. Mercedes shrugged him off. “I know them personally. So, let’s walk on the straight path and see which deity it takes us to.” She said. They nodded and followed her down the straight path which was silver and pink shimmering with stars. As the blue and red paths continued to intertwine they finally came to the end and found themselves facing a black door. Mercedes looked at Kavian and the other two. “Behind this door is either the road of Destiny which will lead to Millenniol or the road of Reality which will lead to Centouri. If it leads to Millenniol somehow some way, you’ll have an opportunity to undo what Kiviondid. If it leads to Centouri that’s end game. You won’t know until you live your next life which will start once you cross this threshold. You won’t remember these events. You’ll just have major cases of deja’vu. In your next life these vibes will come through dreams and even in your waking life as memories.” She said. Kavian gave her a confused look. “How about we just go back and fight for my kingdom.” He said. Mercedes shook her head. “It doesn’t work like that. Destiny or Reality must decide if you’re worthy to regain a kingdom you lost. For your sake just hope Destiny is behind this door.” She said opening it. Kavian nodded and stepped through the threshold. He was blinded with a bright light and then swallowed in darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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