My Channel!

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okay. here I am. my friends told me I was "talented at FL" (whatever that means) and to write something on here finally or that they would stab me to death. I'm not even scared of doing this out of their advice.

I've been working on FL for 6 years, and I have a YT channel. please give me feedback. POSITIVE AND NEGATIVE FEEDBACK PLEASE. THAT IS THE ONLY WAY I CAN GROW MUSICALLY!!!!

I've loved porter Robinson's music for a very long, discovered Worlds at 6. By the way, I'm not going to band, but I'll never give up on music. Music is for me, but band isn't. 

anyways, enough rambling. Let's get to work! My channel's name is Lachlan Morrison. No, not pronounced Lock-lan. it's LACK-lan. I make porter and ujico remakes there, and I can be proud of my works or despise them.

If you're reading this, you can call me Lach. Or not. I just randomly generated the name online since 6-7 year old me didn't want to reveal my real name (and I still don't)

NO. I'm not fishing for subs. I'm just genuinely looking for feedback and looking to connect with other porter or ujico fans and other musicians. 

Here's an example video. My newest remake.

Remember, I don't know shit about music theory. everything I've ever learned about music is self-taught and self-observed. I'm not looking to make this anything more than a hobby.

Anyways, Lach out!

music SHIT (plus maybe some art or sum idk or care)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora