author's note

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Oh boy! This is my first (and very last minute) entry into the Open Novella Contest!

I was debating whenever to join this year since A) I have a book I need to write, B) I major in screenwriting, so I have a big movie script to write, and C) I got million other things to worry about T–T

But in the end, I would be dumb not to give it a try since otherwise, I would have to wait a whole year to try again!

I had my main prompt picked from the start. Especially since it would perfectly fit as a standalone novella to a much bigger story I'm working on. It's a magical portal fantasy, and mirrors play a significant role.

#29 when you touch a mirror, it ripples like water. You dive in.

I'm also including these prompts:

#1 when a giant monster chases you, all you can do is throw a stick and hope they'd play fetch.

#12 an evil sorcerer offers you an immense amount of power - but it comes with a price.

#13 you were at the wrong place, at the wrong time, and now you are running for your life!

#52 there is someone you dream about every night, but you never imagine meeting them in real life.

I hope you'll enjoy this book! I think this is the first time I'm writing a proper mystery, too, haha.

Also, a little disclaimer; English is not my first language. But that (hopefully) shouldn't be a problem. Still, feel free to point out grammar or other errors so I can fix them :) And I will be happy for any other form of feedback!!

Also, if you start thinking it kinda reads like a movie script... it might since in the past 3 years I've been writing nothing but screenplays, haha. But this is the first version of this story - I will fix it (and a bunch of other stuff) in the later rewrite once the novella is finished!

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