James becoming a loverboy

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its funny Alyssa is the only person i got.

after my mom killed her self in from of me all I had a my dad, a prick but still loved him...

well ended up dying in front of me with a heart attack.

Coincidence? probably, probably not.

Alyssa and I are two fucked up people, that ended up fucked up by our teenage run a way and my messed up childhood plus her parents issue

For her i would of done it all again.

punching my dad, ñ stealing his car, running away with her, helping her run away from her wedding the list goes on and on even killing for.

she the only one i got in my messed up heart of mines

Alyssa made me realize that there was a real sparkle on me and that i wasn't psych and wanted to kill someone but love her. even tho she can be a shitty person she still fills my heart with sparkles

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2023 ⏰

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