Chapter 1:The group chat

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Spencer-wanna have a sleepover?

Aria-sure I'll tell mike meet you in 5min.

Samantha-yes I've been dying for one

Emily-of course

Spencer-Kk meet me at the coffee shop then

All-see you there

1 hour later

Spencer-finally you guys where late

Aria-sry I needed my make up

Samantha-needed new clothes

Emily-I was sleeping!

*looks at Emily and starts laughing*

Emily-what I'm serious!

All-sure you are

Spencer-come on dinner won't make it self

Aria-oh yeah let's go!

All-we are coming

Aria- *gets a text from mike*

Mike-aria mr.fitz said he wants you

Aria-tell him to meet me at Spencer's house

Mike-okay love you sis

Aria-love you to tell Mona I said hi

Mike-okay bye


Spencer-hurry up!

Aria-okay I am coming

*gets to spencer house*

Aria-I call bed

Samantha-I call the big couch

Emily-I call floor

Ezra-knocks on the door

Spencer-she's up stairs on the right

Ezra-thanks walks up the stairs pokkiebear


Ezra-hey sweetie

Aria-hey *kisses him*

Aria-love you

Ezra-love you to

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