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[Tw for sensitive topics]

The human was sitting in their room, reading the note left by their now Ex, the note basically explained to this human that she can't go on with life any longer.
The human just sat there heart pounding from their chest their tears making it hard to continue reading. Despite knowing this person this human got no actual confirmation that their now ex lover has actually taken their own life.
This only made the human worry and panic more.
Worrying if they did something wrong. If this was somehow their fault.
Their friend amber offered them to hang out with their friends to try to keep their mind off everything, but with friends she failed to mention her lover.
This human watched as their friends lover her share what they once had.
This made the human grow spiteful.
Often doing passive aggressive things to one or the other or possibly both. Some days the human just ignore any invites to hang out.
This would continue for multiple days.
The human eventually started to learn how to cast magic, they knew how dangerous it was but they didn't care. They played around with potions carelessly, wave around their wand with no thought with what they where actually doing. The human was lucky to have not gotten killed but instead opened a portal by mistake, they got up to investigate this odd portal, they watched as the blue and yellow squiggles moved like snakes.
The human stuck their hole head through the portal expecting the portal to completely evaporate their head but it didn't, they slowly opened their eyes to see an odd world with gray ground and blue skies with music playing. The human looked up and saw a floating blue and yellow head looking down at them the human was Startled and removed their head from the portal. After that she heard a voice
"APOLOGIES! I didn't mean to Startle you!"
The strange head said as she came thought the portal to reveal that she was much more than a head,
"I saw was behind the portal. The portal formed in front of me and I was curious to see if anything came out it and well, their you where!"
She chuckled awkwardly
The human just stood there
"My apologies again, I'll be out of your hair"
She sighed
"wow you're pretty"
The human uttered
The blue and yellow humanoid turned to the human
"Sorry did you say something?"
She questioned
"What's your name?"
The human asked
"Ena! What's yours my small friend?"
She asked as she squatted down to meet the human at eye level,
"People just call me the human"
The human explained as they played with their long brown messy hair,
"interesting, do you not have an actual name?"
Ena asked making deep eye contact
The human being unable to keep eye contact broke the eye contact
"No, not really"
The human looked down
Ena stood up in confidence
"Well that can't be! I'll help you find a name you'll love! Is that okay with you?"
She asked as she squats down and holds the humans hands
The human smiled
"I will remember this location so I can come back and we can hand out sometimes okay?"
Ena explained as she started typing something down on her phone.
"Yeah that's fine"
The human replied
Ena then stood up and walked through the portal while waving goodbye.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2023 ⏰

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