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Ever since the beginning of Regalia, the House of Urokodaki has had a number of aristocratic ladies who were married into the Royal Soyama family. Unlike the many other houses that ruled the kingdom, the Urokodaki household behaved by its own meritocratic rules, and thus without anyone to hold them back except the Royal family, any man could be the successor of the most important household in the empire.

And any woman could become the renowned Empress of Regalia.

The Royal family did not seem to be against such a thing as marriage between the adopted children of the Urokodaki household, for they sometimes needed to open up the sacred bloodline of the Royal family before it would become more convoluted. Of course, they would only bring the wisest, smartest, most talented and beautiful women, for they needed to keep up the greatness of the kings and queens. Urokodaki Giyuu, once known as Tomioka, daughter of a far less known baron, had fit the role of such a perfect woman at the age of 16.

Soon after the Grand Duke Urokodaki held her coming-of-age, Prince Hakuji had fallen in love so deeply with her, that he had announced their marriage on the very same day.

Thankfully, the two seemed to have gotten along so well since the beginning that no one would fear a sudden trouble arising from the two. Since the prince had fallen so hard, no one would expect for the new emperor at 23 to suddenly call out a divorce.

There, upon the highly lit room, filled with chandeliers made of gold and stained glasses depicting the foundation of the holy church they were in. Stood all of the most highly respected members of
the aristocracy.
Head of the Shabana house, with his fans over his lips, hiding out a smirk as his rainbow eyes looked over to the scene of his and everyone's entertainment.
Head of the Tsugikuni house, shaking his head as he hid the disappointment behind his face. "A shame." He muttered under his breath.
Head of the Otakawa house, her hair hid the eyes of sorry she had upon hearing the news, alongside her were the young successor of the Shabana with his sister, all muttering as to what could happen next.
Even the most respectable peasants like the famous Gyokko artist and the warriors of the provinces, disciples of Sir Hantengu were here.

Lord Uzui and Lady Kanroji from the west Kingdom are also here... Her blue eyes looked away from the spectators of this grand humiliating circus that the Emperor had put in front of them, with her being the main show.

Calm down... She told herself before looking back at the Emperor of the East: Hakuji, who she had longed for so many years, who she had worked to be the best empress she could for the empire she loved, the man that stripped her of the cold walls she built after Tsutako's death. The man that she thought she could trust was now carrying another woman in his arms. She could almost vividly remember the day when she came. It truly was a horrible day.


A bright and gorgeous day for a walk.

"Who are you?" The woman with pink eyes, snow irises and dark hair tied up in a big bun stood before her, sitting in the garden with its pink frilly dress of which snowflakes had been sown on to. And holding a few roses from the garden in her hand, she smiled and showed it to her.
"Ah! Stand up you brat! Can't you see who you are disrespecting?!" One of her ladies in waiting, Makio, shooted at the girl after she had not bowed down to her majesty the empress. Something only a queen from another kingdom could do.
"Mak-" Her other lady in waiting was interrupted as she raised a hand.
"I asked you, who are you?"
The girl froze up, then began to cry, her small wails attracted the attention of the servants around, while the empress and her ladies kept a cold silence towards her.
"What is the meaning of this?!" Giyuu turned around to find Hakuji coming from the east wing of the garden, his face full of fury and his eyes filled with disappointment as the scene of the young girl crying appeared before him.

The Empress and The King ///RenGiyuu/// FemGiyuu///Where stories live. Discover now