7. Don't Lose Your Head

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"Remind me to never get on your bad side," Kieran muttered.

Back in the ghost town harbored by vampires, Everett bristled at the cold chills that raked his body. He pulled his robe tighter. They passed by buildings boarded up with planks. Crooked closed signs hung in the dusty windows, untouched for so long only the bugs and stray rodents inhabited the places.

"Will that hex really wear off on Vincent?"

"Yes. It would have worn off regardless if he told the truth," Everett replied with a half shrug. "Not like he knew that."

Kieran smirked. "Clever."

"Who do you think would've poisoned Richard with that?" Everett's voice softened. "It's illegal to obtain, you know."

"Just because it's against your laws, doesn't mean people will abide by them." Kieran pointed out. "Probably someone knew it would kill him in the end, and maybe that's what killed Rowena as well. Did they examine her body for poison?"

"I'd assume so. I can check the Council records to be sure though. But I'll have to go by myself. Vampires aren't typically allowed in the Supernatural Council building unless they're under suspicion."

"Is that safe?" Kieran asked. "What if someone catches you snooping around?"

"I'll be fine. It's not unusual for me to look into cases of the ghosts I speak to. My mother knows that. Which is why she's granted me access to their files. Mostly to organize, of course, but also so I can dig around."

"Nobody minds you doing that?" Kieran frowned.

"I'm nobody important, while my sisters are prominent council members, and my mother a Warden." Everett shrugged. "Nobody blinks an eye. What could I possibly do with old records anyway?"

"Why do you think Richard didn't just take an elixir like you did?" Kieran asked.

"It must be approved by the Supernatural Council, and you need someone to prepare it for you. Unless you can do it yourself, like I can now," Everett replied. "The ingredients aren't easy to come by, which is why the council regulates them. My mother secretly stole some to keep me alive."

Kieran froze. "They wouldn't give it to a poisoned child? What the fuck?"

"There's much paperwork you must fill out. She had no time. I was on the verge of death." Everett shuddered just remembering it. "I'd assume Richard's situation was similar, where he was running out of time. Vampirism is a fascinating idea, but I don't know how it would react with the poison."

"I'd assume it would cancel out the poison, but not all wizards will accept the venom easily."

Everett nodded. "Which I assume happened to Richard. Then, Vincent panicked because he thought it was a trap. Perhaps his killer chose that poison, knowing full well he'd seek help from a vampire."

"But why would someone poison him?" Kieran shook his head. "Since Vincent fled, I assume they didn't bother to check his history any further or they would have found the poison. Dammit."

"Tainted Venom would appear in toxicology reports. I remember, because they had to test me. They listed Rowena's death as natural causes, so maybe it was some kind of sleeping potion she overdosed on."

"I see. It's definitely something we'll need to look into. Maybe we can ask Rowena if she remembers what she ate or drank before passing?" Kieran suggested.

"Good idea." Everett nodded. "Let's go see her."

"We will tomorrow."

Everett frowned. "What? Why not now? Just fly us to the library. I have the key, you know."

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