Chapter one

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Chapter one

"C'mon Arrow buddy, let's go to the park!" I hear Mia say.

Mia is my owner. I love her a lot. Her mom is nice, but I like Mia best.

I leapt out of my bed, shot around the corner of the wall and ran to her side, wagging my tail and licking her hand to show her I wanted to go. She just giggled so I grabbed the leash out of her hand and started shaking it around to tell her to clip it on my collar and take me outside. These humans don't always listen so I have to let them know.

"Ok then, let's go," she laughed, gently taking the leash out of my mouth. I gratefully let it go.

She clipped it on my leash and yelled something to her mom. I wasn't listening because I was too busy staring at the door so I could be the first one out when she opened it.

She twisted the doorknob and fresh air hit my nose. Excited, I shot out and dragged her down the stairs but she yanked on my leash and yelled at me so I had no choice but to slow down. We walked down the road a little ways and I found a bush to do my business at. I smelled a lot of other dog scents, and I had to leave mine so they knew I was here too.

Catching sight of the park I started galloping down the street, and Mia picked up her pace, smiling. It was a big, fenced in park so Mia always let me off the leash and I loved it. There's a playground for the humans which was filled with rocks.

There were also a few other dogs, but the great bonus was a spot where tons of trees are clumped together, making a nice shaded area for when it got too hot. That was my favourite spot, I had a lot of great memories from there. One of the best was when Mia bought ice cream, then sat in the shade with me and let me have some of the cone.

Mia unclipped the leash, and I immediately sprinted off as fast as I could, circling the entire park like I always did. Mia always laughs while she watches me. I like it when I make her laugh, it makes me happy too.

Completing a few full laps around the park made me hot and tired so, panting but content I headed over to the trees and stretched out in the shade. With my vision partially obscured by the trees around me, I managed to pick out Mia on the far side of the park, talking to one of her friends. I hoped she would come over soon.

I closed my eyes for a while but quickly opened them when I heard footsteps approaching, thinking it was Mia coming to play, but lowered my ears when I noticed it was only two boys that I sometimes saw walking by our house. As they came closer and closer I started to feel very uncomfortable. They smelled nervous but confident at the same time, and had a strange look in their eyes. No one had ever looked at me that way before.

One of the boys, the taller one, had a big stick and the other one had a few of the rocks from the playground. Nervous, I started to whine, slowly getting to my feet.

"Watch this," said the boy with the stick, then he slapped me across the back with it.

I yelped, it really hurt! I bolted off to Mia but the other boy threw some of his rocks, laughing. I thought laughing was supposed to be when something was funny, did they think hurting me was fun?

A stone flew through the air and struck me in the corner of my eye, sending me crashing to the ground, my vision on going dark on that side. Next thing I knew there was a huge weight crashing into my side, making me spasm violently, before dropping out of consciousness. The last thing I heard was Mia's faint scream.

"Will he be alright?" I heard a girl's voice say. It took me a second to figure out who it was, but when I did I leapt to my feet.

"Mia!" I barked, spinning around. She was okay! It's a good thing those evil boys didn't get her too!

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