Chapter 3- New Kid

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[ranboo :)]

I was done eating my candy which put me in a good mood, so me being in a good mood i decided that paying attention in class for a little bit wouldn't hurt.

I looked over at the white board for a few minutes before becoming instantly boarded again. I looked over at philza and saw he was writing some notes down. I wondered what he was writing so I scooted up a little bit more to try and see.

He looked at me and chuckled a little bit."What you writing?" I asked."Nothing important." I shrugged thinking it might've been just ideas for random shit that wouldn't i test me at all. I looked back at the board and sighed 'this lesson is so damn boring.' I thought."Psst, Tommy who's that?" I looked over to a random kid i have never seen. He was pointing over to Phil.

"Non of your damn business bitch." He looked offended."Who you calling a bitch asshole!" He started to yell. Wrong person buddy."WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOUR YELLING AT BITCH ASS!?" I yelled louder than him which seemed to have startled him as if he wasn't expecting it.

The whole class was looking at us mor specifically me."THE HELL YOU LOOKING AT. HUH!?" I yelled looking around the class. Everyone turned their heads to the teacher."U-um class p-please settle down." The teacher asked stuttering a little."HOE ABOUT YOUR DUMBASS SHUT THE FUCK UP." I was angry because no one needed to know that I had a person looking after me like a babysitter.

The bell rang a few moments later and everyone ran out of the class desperate to get out of there. The kid who had yelled at me was starting to walk out thinking I wouldn't notice him."GET BACK HERE." I screamed making him run out of there.

I ran after him down the hall. He started running faster as soon as I was catching up to him. Out of nowhere i ran into a kid I hadn't notice.

I looked up forgetting that I was chasing after the kid. He had short dirty blonde hair, wearing sunglasses and a mask, he also had on some Black jeans, a white shirt that said 'believe', a crown headband(you can't see the band part.), and a pair of nikes. He looked hot. Wait. Did i just call a random kid I have never met in my entire life HOT.

"H-hello." He stuttered. I snapped back to reality. I stood up and brushed myself off."Mover out of my way freak." I looked up at him. He was so damn tall maybe around 6ft maybe taller."Well sorry." He scoffed."DID YOU NOT HEAR ME I SAID MOVE." I yelled. He flinched back and I immediately regretted it. Why did I feel sorry for this kid I have never felt this way towards other kids.

"Tommy!" I heard a person yell. I looked over and load and behold it's Phil."Mate you can't just run off like that. Oh hello." Great."Whatever." "Hi." The tall person said."Hello mate you must be new here. Well my name is philza but you can call me Phil for short. Anyways if your lost then i could help you find your way to class." Phil said."Yeah i am lost. My next class is science." Wait that's my next class. Oh no i can't be in the same class with him I'll hegt way too distracted by looking at him and Phil will definitely know something is up."Ah well Tommy's next class here is also science who so you have." Please don't say her, please song says her, please don't say-"Miss Niki." Fuck.

Phill nodded and we walked down the hall to science. Now I liked Miss Niki, she was kind and loving something I've never had, but he was in the same class as me and Tubbo wasn't going to be in there today because he checked out early. I heard other students talking about it saying he threw up or something.

We finally made it to class which felt like forever."Oh hello Tommy and Ranboo." Niki said sweetly."And Phil." She laughed a little."alright everyone this is Ranboo our new student please treat him with respect and kindness."

I didn't really care what she had to say so I just went to the back and sat down. A few minutes later someone sat down in front of me. I looked up and saw Ranboo."Goddamn it." I muttered. Apparently he heard me."What." He asked sounding offended."What did I ever do to you.". Honestly i don't know i just hate him because of this feeling I have but i can't tell him that."Yiu bumped into me."

He. Looked. Mad."What! That what this is!." He whispered yelled. I mean it kinda was a stupid excuse."Yeah...." He looked away from me and to the board. Great now i felt bad.

[Hahah now this is even shorter than the last sorry.]


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