Chapter 1 - Siblings and Sweets

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"Thank you so much! That will be $9.40," I remarked as I placed sugar cookies in a little bag for the middle-aged lady in front of the counter. The lady was a regular at the bakery. Her name was Reina LaBelle, but she insisted on being called Reina. Her eyes were dark brown, and she had light curly beige blonde hair that flowed down her back like a rocky river stream. She took the little bag and said, "It is always a pleasure to come to your bakery, Alina," then walked out of the bakery with the chime of a familiar bell. Most likely to return home to her two sons. They are good kids, but they always find themselves in some mischief.
Once, they stole chickens from the butcher to save them from their fate. He obviously wasn't too ecstatic about the situation and chased after them. The butcher and some men nearby had chased them around for half an hour. Tanner, the eldest of the two boys, outsmarted a few men chasing after him. They tried to corner him against an empty wagon, but when they moved at once, he slipped through them and sprinted off. He distracted them for as long as he could so Christen, the youngest of the two, could hide with the chickens in a safer place. Oddly enough, Christen thought the safest place was inside our bakery, Siblings and Sweets. Aiden, my younger brother, and I were startled when we found him hidden behind the counter with a small Buff Orpington Chicken grasping it tightly. I assumed that was the only chicken they managed to save. The butcher soon burst through the door with Tanner's arm in a tight hold, demanding to know where Christen was. We had to close the bakery temporarily to calm the situation. Aiden grabbed the two boys and took them up on the second floor to our home; I calmed down the butcher and even bought the chicken so Christen could have it as a pet. Stars illuminated his eyes when he heard the news.
A day I'll never forget.
As the memory faded, I watched Reina vanish into the buzzing crowd of individuals walking up and down the street. Strolling to the entrance, I went up to the door and closed it, changing the open sign to the break time sign. Furthermore, I cleaned up a few tables and countertops before going to the kitchen to see how my brother was doing.
"Hey, Aiden, how are the cupcakes coming along?" I asked as he finished icing a vanilla cupcake with a light pink colored icing. He turned his head to me, then back to the cupcake.
"Just removed them from the oven a short while ago. I am confident that this will be my best batch yet," Aiden started with a huge grin. I couldn't help but smile when I saw the look on his face. "I am delighted to hear that, Aiden," I said as I looked at the plate of already frosted cupcakes.
I gave him a quick nod as I grabbed the plate, went through the front door, and put the cupcakes on the window display. Not only that, but I also searched around the counter for the other batch of frosting. I picked up a pack of light blue colored frosting on the counter and took it to Aiden.
"Would you like me to assist with the rest of the cupcakes?" I gave him a warm smile.
"Always." He offered me a cupcake.
We carefully frosted some fresh vanilla cupcakes while chatting about whatever came to mind. Likewise, we were preoccupied with the event, so we anticipated numerous clients after the break. Soon, the bakery would be celebrating its fifth anniversary. We always dreamed of opening a bakery when we were kids. On the other hand, we also wanted to be pirates. Fortunately for us, though, one of those hopes came true, and we now have a bakery...Aiden still wanted to be a pirate.
"Can you believe it, Alina?" Nearly five years have passed since we first opened Siblings and Sweets. Aiden smiled as he finished frosting the last cupcake.
"I simply cannot. It feels like it has been only a couple of months," I laughed, washing my coffee hands and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
"I like to think this is not just for you and me, but the village as well," I said as I double-checked the freshly frosted cupcake.
"Yes, I believe everyone will enjoy the anniversary. Especially with the new treat that will be making its debut," Aiden observed, his radiant round apricot glasses resting on his dark fawn face.
"By the way, Alina, have you perfected the recipe for the new treat? After all, we want it to be as unique as the bakery," he explained.
"Unfortunately, I have not, but I think I am getting close"
If I am being honest, I don't know if I will finish it in time. I am so determined to make it unique and afraid that everything I have come up with is not worthy of that label. Perhaps I should seek assistance from Aiden. We have always worked well together and have overcome many obstacles as a team.
"But with your help, the task may move more quickly"
Soon, I watched as his dark birch eyes lit up brighter than any star.
"Really? I would be delighted to help. I have so many recipe ideas we could attempt," he added, nearly leaping around the kitchen. After a minute passed, he turned to face me, embarrassed.
"I apologize; I got a little excited."
"No, you don't have to apologize. You haven't done anything wrong," I smiled. "Now I need you to take these cupcakes and place them at the front."
"Alright, I will be right back," Aiden said as he collected the cupcakes and walked out the door. When I glanced at the time, I noticed our break was almost up.
"Hey, Alina, is the break over?" Aiden called back to me.
"No. We still have an hour and a half, why?"
"A mysterious person is knocking at the front door," he said.
"What do you mean, a mysterious person is knocking at the front door?" I peered around the corner into the front of the bakery.
Aiden just looked at me nervously, which made me worried. With that, I walked over to the door and opened it. On the other side was a cloaked individual; who was a little taller than me—the individual dressed in a long, dark cloak with a hood with intricate gray patterns on the bottom that concealed their face. I moved out of the way, so they could enter. The golden bell above the door started ringing as they made their way inside.
"Hello, would you like anything?" I asked as I walked behind the counter to put the cookies in the case.
"Yes, please," said a feminine voice with a smile.
"Hmm... do you have any recommendations?" She spoke in a calm tone.
I examined the cookies with frosting decorations like silly faces and other animal-shaped cookies—fluffy marshmallows with elegant gold, blue, and red motifs. Cakes and cupcakes of all sizes depicted gorgeous scenery or simply pretty-looking art. Pudding came in various flavors—some with fresh fruit and others with sprinkles on the tops. Each treat was terrific. Sweet treats that were accomplished through long and hard trials and errors but always came out exactly how we wanted them to look, smell, and taste.
Well, I suppose I could suggest our freshly baked vanilla cupcakes. They are delicious. I motioned to the immaculate white circular stand with the light blue and pink colored cupcakes on it.
"Okay, might I have two of the vanilla cupcakes?" The cloaked woman turned to face me after glancing at the display and grinning at one of the cookies.
"Could I perhaps have one of those cookies?"
I grabbed one of the cookies, which was shaped like a little lion, and placed it in a small bag, then grabbed two of the cupcakes, placing them gently inside a small box to not smear the fluffy frosting.
"That would be $11.75."
The lady removed some cash from a small purse-like bag and placed it on the counter. It was $15. "Is this enough?"
I took the money and placed it in a glass jar labeled money, "Yes, do you want change back?" She shook her head from side to side, letting us know to keep the change.
The mystery woman collected her sweets and quickly disappeared outside. I have a feeling we will see her again someday.
"That was a fascinating conversation," Aiden said as he ate a cat-shaped cookie.
I gave him a kind grin and said, "You have something on your face," pointing to some crumbs and a small layer of frosting on his chin. He swiped at his mouth, removing the crumbs, but the frosting had already begun to spread. Soon the room was filled with bubbling titters as I miserably failed to hold in my giggles.
"What, why are you laughing?" he exclaimed. He had finished the cookie, but the frosting was all over his face. Every time he tried to clean his face, it spread. I continued laughing while his face grew more and more confused.
"Alina, what is it?" he asked, noticing the icing as he gazed into a mirror beside him.
He began laughing along with me.
"You could have told me to check my reflection," he took out a tiny cloth and began wiping the frosting from his face.
I emerged from behind the counter and approached Aiden, who had just finished wiping the icing off his face.
"Did I get rid of all the frosting?" He inquired, lifting the handkerchief from his face.
"Yep, it's all gone," I remarked as I stepped over to the window and gazed out, watching people scurry away to their homes. Some people lingered and decided to shop some more. I estimated that there would be at least six additional customers.
My brother began cleaning the back counters as I glanced at him through the open doorway. In addition, I took a quick look at the bakery, which included gray counters. All the sweet baked delicacies that everyone enjoyed were on the shelves. The golden bell above the door, which chimed each time someone entered the bakery, was suspended over it.
I walked back into the kitchen, passing my brother to pick up plates to set out in the front. We still had an hour or two to work, possibly even longer. So we quickly finished cleaning up the kitchen, dining room, and restroom. Once everything was to our liking, we took a break till we had to open again, we walked to the front and Aiden turned to ask me, "Are you ready for round two?"
"As long as you're with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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