waking up 🥱

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a pinkish hair man woken up from his bed, he got up and went down stairs to make breakfast
a Brown hair man was sitting on a couch in the man's house,
well the " pinkish hair man " did not see him.
After the pinkish hair man finish he's food
, he finally saw the Brown hair man "wilbur?...is that you?, why are in my house" He said in a confuse voice "well Phil wanted me and Tommy to move in because he miss he's baby's" said wilbur with a irritated vice
"Oh well..where is Tommy?" said techno "in he's room"
him looking at the tv.
techno was about to ask where was Phil but he remembered Phil went out for firewood since they're running out, he decided to wake Tommy up because waking up early is good
he went up and open Tommy's old room as he expected he was laying down like a baby as always
"Tommy, tommy" he began to shake him "wake up tommy"
"mhmm!~ ,No!"
Tommy tried to go back to sleep but techno will not stop "dream is here he want to talk to you" techno said joking "UH? HE KNOWS I WAS HERE!?" Tommy said in fear "lol jk he's not here" before tommy said a word techno run down "DON'T YOU DARE DO THAT TO ME AGAIN!"
Tommy said with a shout "god what did you techno" said wilbur,
techno starting to cook for tommy like nothing happened,
tommy came down and went to the kitchen where techno was at.
Tommy give techno a dead stare meanwhile techno was trying not to laugh because after he saw of Tommy's face in fear that was amazing.
after the food was ready Tommy looks down to see his food
(he see's a Fried egg and a bit of Rice)
he's smiled because that's he's favourite
Techno walks out the room and sit down with wilbur.
after tommy finish his food he up stairs to lay down,
some 5 seconds Phil came home with a lot of firewood "hey guys I'll just going upstairs call me for you want something" Phil said "sure Phil" said wilbur.

You look nice babe~Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu