Chapter 1

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Olivia sat down on her couch with a wine glass and a bottle of Du Bellay. After finishing another tough high-profile case, she needed to just put a movie on and relax. While waiting for Netflix to load the lawyer began to think... is this how the rest of my life will be? Is this as big as I make it? Don't get her wrong, her job is great and she loves fixing people's problems. But there's this nagging feeling in her gut saying that she could be doing so much more with her life.

"Ughhh" she groans aloud.'re trying to relax so stop thinking and just put on a movie. Olivia clicked the first movie that popped up, not surprised that it was 'Pride & Prejudice'. Abby was probably watching it before she went to bed. Just as she was about to pour some wine in the glass her phone rang. She looked up at the clock above the Tv, it read 11:46 pm. What could someone possibly need from me right now?

"Hello?" she said, without looking at the caller ID. "Hello Liv, It's Cyrus." Cyrus? What could he possibly need from me right now? "Cy! It's good to hear from you, even if it is around midnight on a Friday." She heard him laugh, "I know, sorry about that liv. You know how it is over here for me, it's all late nights and early mornings." "Yea I know, just do me a favor and take care of yourself. Anyways how is the campaign?"

She knew Cyrus was working with Californias Governor to help him get elected for president. She kept up with their campaign every once in a while mainly through News Outlets or Cyrus. Olivia has a degree from Princeton in political science. Although she hasn't had the chance to use it recently, Cy would call every once in a while for advice. Politics has always been her passion and she would love to be in Cyrus's position. To work in The White House has always been a dream of hers but that just doesn't seem like it's in the cards for her right now.

"It's going great. Governor Grants going up against Sally Langston in Iowa next week on Friday so i'm just trying to help him get ready for that." Cyrus doesn't want to admit it but deep down he knows they are going to lose on Monday. "You think he's starting to lose the republicans, don't you?" Damn Olivia for knowing everything. "Honestly I don't know if he ever had them to begin with. I couldn't tell you what it is Liv, he's absolutely perfect. He has the ivy league and political background, comes from good money, and when I tell you this guy could charm the pants off anyone I mean it. There's just something that's making them want to steer away from him"

" A good Background and Charm isn't all you need to win an election. Come on you know that. So many different little things come into play here." "I know that its just this guy has every box checked there should be no reason for it to be like this. Maybe I've lost my touch I don't know." Olivia felt for Cyrus. Making the perfect presidential candidate is hard and anything that difficult is bound to take a toll on you. Especially if you're not seeing the results you want to see. "I don't think that's it Cy. It's all about where you stand in your core values. It's about Family, Marriage, and religion. You just need to find where his weakness is in those three areas and go from there. I'm so sorry I wish there was some way I could help you Cy." And just like that it's like this dark tunnel was suddenly seeing some light. Hell Cyrus can't tell you why he didn't think of this sooner.

"Well now that you mention it I could use your help with something." Olivia now knew where this was going. "Would you come work with me on the campaign?" And just like that she was proven right once again. She finds herself not speaking, just sitting there trying to figure out what to do. She should say no, say that it's too late of notice. Say that she's not sure she wants to risk her career for a man she's never met, but she can't. She knows she should, Abby's here and it's not right to leave her alone. Plus what about her job? She can't just pack up and leave for 12 months. On the other hand this job would be the best thing to ever happen to her. It gives her a foothold in the white house even if the governor loses the campaign. And if he wins it'll be a dream come true to finally be working in THE White House. So now she can't stop thinking about making this work. Abby can definitely take care of herself, some alone time would probably do her some good anyways. If anything Abby could always come with her if she really needed Olivia around. And at work all she has to do is take a leave of absence and transfer her cases. Which she doesn't have any as of now so that beats the trouble of having to give them to someone else.

"Hello, Olivia you still there?" Oh shit, I completely forgot about Cyrus. "Sorry. Yea I'm here" "So Liv, what's the verdict. Let's make a president?" I can't believe I'm doing this, "Yes Cy, lets make a president."


And there is the first chapter. I know it's kinda boring but it's just getting started I promise. This didn't come out as soon as I wanted it to but I accidentally deleted my whole chapter. So I guess u could say I had a little set back lol. I still had the rough version though thank god. Anyways let me know what you guys think and i'll try to update more tomorrow.

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