9. Devil's in the Details

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Nobody in their town trusted vampires. Everett was still dumbstruck by his father's harsh words and warning. They treated their family's image as if their strict rules were gospel to live by. It wasn't like he bore responsibilities for the council or cared about politics. He was merely a librarian. Why did his relationships matter?

"Nothing good comes from messing around with bloodsuckers," Rowena advised him as she floated in circles around his desk.

"Kieran's helping me investigate your murder," Everett pointed out. "Aside from me, he's the only one who believes foul play is involved."

"Hmm, then you should invite him back here. Your folks never visit the library."

Everett drummed his fingers against his desk. "True."

Rowena swooped over to the side of his swivel chair, hovering over him with concern. "You're not about to faint again, are you?"

"What? No, why?"

"Your amulet. It's glowing again." Rowena gestured to his chest.

Everett groaned before yanking it off his neck and tucking it into one of his desk drawers. "There. Now, I don't have to worry about it."

"It doesn't work that way," Rowena's voice came out hoarse, soft-spoken.

"What do you mean?" Everett narrowed his eyes toward her as she slipped away. "Are you withholding evidence from me? Come on, you must trust me by now, Rowena."

"I'm forbidden to speak of it," Rowena said.

"Who forbid you?" Everett asked with a frown. "Just tell me about the amulets. Ours are identical, so they surely came from the same origins."

Rowena pursed her lips, shaking her head. "I have no idea where I got my amulet from."

Realization dawned on Everett as he stared at her, speechless. He'd tried to ask her more about it, even after disclosing everything they'd uncovered so far, yet she couldn't answer. No wonder Angelica found it so peculiar that she didn't recall where her amulet came from. Someone used mind tampering magic on her. Even in death, the effects hadn't worn off.

"The... Evidence." Everett cautioned. "Is it connected?"

"Yes, the evidence was created by a masterful spellcaster in your family."

Spellcastor was an archaic term for powerful wizard, meaning his mother might not have lied about where his amulet came from. But they also gave one to Rowena? How strange. Why did his mother insist on him keeping one? They weren't the same amulet either, as Everett had possessed his far longer.

"Did yours have black mag-" He stopped himself. "Um, powers. Did yours have dark powers in it?"

"No. Only mine. It protects us."

Does it really? Everett wondered as he pulled his from the desk drawer, no longer glowing. "How about this? Does it have someone else's powers?"

Rowena shook her head. "Just yours."

"Mine?" Everett tilted his head in bewilderment. "I've never cast any death curses."

Perhaps it was an extra safety measure to protect him after being poisoned? Maybe his didn't contain dark magic, but instead, protective barrier magic. Such things weren't just limited to homes or establishments, they could be blessed in items. The amulet lit up when he was near that cursed head of Richard's, subsequently forcing him into slumber. That didn't explain why Rowena's memories had been tampered with to forget about her amulet. Clearly, her own sister had been befuddled about it.

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