Just a bit of info

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Camile Guzmán. She is the main character of the story. Every chapter is one year of her life, Birth is when she was first born and the second chapter after born will be her first birthday.

Alexandra Guzmán. Camile's mom,She grew up in Cuba unlike Camile's dad, Who grew up in Madrid.She lived in Trinidad.

Marcó Hernández. Grew up with his Tío and Tiá. He lived in Madrid till he was 8, before moving to Río de Janeiro.

Abuela Cruz. The mother of Alexandra Guzmán, The grandma to Camile.


Apoco is based off a story I previously wrote, the Figure skating one. Instead Camile isn't A figure skater, She plays guitar with her dad and a few other boys. I had to mostly use research to do this because I no nothing about Havana and Cuba. And the traditions and foods. I hope you enjoy the story and stay tuned for more story's and the rewrite of hell on earth!
- mars

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02, 2023 ⏰

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