Declaration of love

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It's been two months since you joined the Rooks gang, founded by the Assassins Jacob and Evie Fry. You liked them: their way of doing things, and the way they knew how to awaken faith and hope in people. Because of this, their gang was rather big. You liked taking over districts with Jacob and the Rooks and destroying a gang of hangmen, he was great at that. Jacob was not indifferent to you, seeing your abilities in combat and surveillance, he also liked your appearance. He took you on various missions, considered you the best fighter and praised you. He also just liked to chat with you and drink beer in local pubs. Jacob definitely liked you, and you liked him. But for some reason, your heart beat faster next to Evie, his damned beautiful sister. Her strong, masculine character, mixed with femininity and elegance, took your breath away. You rejoiced like a child when she took you with her to unravel the legends, puzzles, mysteries of London, to help look for the Shroud - a piece of Eden - which remained now Evie's main task. You wanted to spend more and more time with her, no matter how boring her paperwork or lists were, the main thing was to just be there, look into her beautiful blue-turquoise eyes, accidentally touch her fingertips when you hand her a document, and after work to offer to remake her hairstyle, because her hair was "disheveled". She will agree, and you will have a moment when you can, quite briefly, burrow into dark curly hair, then go down to the neck, inhale the smell of her body.
This is enough to remember, and remember it when you fall asleep, imagining that Evie is nearby. You finish braiding, the assassin looks in the mirror, thanks you, gets up, smiles, making your cheeks turn red and... leaves. She might be gone for a week, and when she gets back, she won't have time to even talk to Jacob, let alone you. Evie is tired and immediately goes to bed, and the next day again, early in the morning, she goes in search of an artifact.
And you can not sleep, because for a long time the smell was forgottenn. Painfully you wanted to look into her eyes again, touch her fingers, hug ... kiss her plump lips, go down and kiss the freckles on her neck ... I so wanted her ... These thoughts haunted you. Therefore, you fell asleep with difficulty, because of which blue circles appeared under your eyes. Jacob noticed this, asked why you weren't sleeping, but you just sighed deeply, because you couldn't say that it was because of dirty thoughts about his sister ... You will never admit this to anyone, because no one will understand. "After all, you are a girl, you should love men, girls should not love each other - this is wrong ... It should not be like that," they will answer. And you didn't care, every day you understood it. After all, you could not remove her feelings, whether it was right or not.
Feelings... For example, like what happened when you stood and watched Evie fight men with her bare hands. You so admired her strength and fighting technique. You never missed the moment when Evie came to fights with Jacob. You just waited to see her in a tank top, not in a closed suit, which was so infuriating. Examine the bare shoulders and collarbones, on which droplets of sweat flowed, see how the muscles on her arms contract. You so wanted these hands to dominate you: they pressed you to themselves, undressed, gently ran their fingers over your skin, squeezed your chest, descended lower, and made you moan loudly with pleasure ... Noticing that you are burning because of your own thoughts, and the lower abdomen pulls and becomes wet with excitement, you immediately leave the hall so that no one sees how you react to Evie. Especially without Jacob noticing, who was standing next to you and could well tell everything to his sister. And she will never call on her missions, she will never ask for help, she will never smile again and look in your direction, and the her doors will be forever closed to you. It hurt that, most likely, this is not mutual. And you realized that you fell in love with this girl even when Jacob introduced you.
In London, it was already morning and the sun was shining. You were sleeping in your railway carriage, when you suddenly heard a gentle female voice: "Y/N, get up." It's already nine o'clock in the morning, and you are sleeping, - recognizing the voice, you immediately got up. Rubbing eyes, you saw Evie sitting next to you on the bed, leaning one hand on your thigh.
- Good morning! I need your help, so get ready, I'll pay you well,- Evie said, getting up and leaving the car. - I'm waiting.
"Damn... What else would I pay well for?" If only you knew how I missed you, and I helped you not for money, but because I LOVE you," you thought, dressing quickly and jumping a little for joy, because you finally saw your loved one "That's it," you got out of the train, smiling at Evie. Tears appeared in your eyes when you looked in love into the coveted pools opposite. You seemed to notice that there is love in them ... And Evie's look changed , which awakened in you a drop of hope for reciprocity.
Evie asked you to help steal a shipment that was very useful to her. He was in one of the carriages that stood in the courtyard of the house of some Templar. The plan was simple: Evie would find and take what she needed while you distracted the guards on the roof. The task was clear, and you began to act. Only now, when you climbed to the very top, for some reason, you suddenly stung in your head with a piercing pain, but you did not attach any importance to this. You were already at the top, and you were walking towards the nearest shelter. Seeing a guard with a gun, you whistle, hiding. He turns around and goes to check. The guard approaches you, you quickly kill the victim with a hidden blade, and throw it over you. Having hidden the corpse, you go to the next goal... Everything blurs sharply in your eyes, and whistles in your ears. You fall and you can no longer move. The head feels too heavy, there are black spots in front of the eyes, which gradually increase until it becomes completely dark. You can't hear anything anymore, you can't feel anything anymore.
You opened your eyes. Lying on the bed, in the Evie car. Looking to her left, you saw her beloved lying on her side, very close to you. One of her hands lightly stroked your head, and the other lay on your chest.
- How are you, honey? Evie asked quietly and gently.
- My head hurts a little and I feel dizzy ... What happened to me?
- You fainted. When I killed all the guards, saw you, and thought that they had killed, - Evie shed tears, - I was so glad to hear your pulse. Evie kissed the top of your head, wiped away her tears, and smiled at you sincerely while stroking your hair.
-I, Evie... I didn't ruin the mission, did I?"
-It's okay, don't think about it, now the main thing is that you are alive. I couldn't take that kind of loss...
The main thing is that you are alive, I would not survive ... Is it really the main thing - me? Is it possible that Evie treats me like that and now looks at me as if she really loves me. No, I can't keep it inside me anymore, I can't..."
-Evie, I love you... Very much,- you said uncertainly, worried.
Assassin turned you towards her, ran her hand from your neck to your chest, kissed you on the lips, making your heart tremble. You don't believe what is happening now, as if it were a dream... But Evie didn't turn away from you and didn't leave... Evie kissed, burying her hands in your hair, pressing her to her, not letting go. She stuck her tongue into her mouth, subjugating yours, supple. A hot tear rolled down her cheek. Evie reluctantly broke the kiss. She grinned as she looked at all the red you and swollen lips from a passionate kiss.
- I love you too and was afraid that this was not mutual ... I'm sorry that I did not communicate with you. Jacob, he... Confessed his love for you, and I thought you'd be better off with him... Honey, I couldn't tell you that I fell in love with you too... I didn't mean to hurt my brother, I...
- I'm better with you, - you were indignant, interrupting her, and starting to cry because Evie loves you too. And she soothes, kisses your forehead, wipes away tears, gently stroking her cheeks with her hand. You hugs, pressing even closer to her chest, and you inhale her wonderful aroma, becoming the happiest in the world.
-No, I won't give you up to anyone, I promise,-Evie whispers in your ear, making your body crawl. You are rocked by the sounds of the train and you both fall asleep in a warm, comfortable embrace.

Evie Frye x fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now