Chapter Fourteen - Rescued or Left Behind?

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“Steph? I.. I thought you were..” The ebony couldn’t finish his sentence.

“I thought I was to” Steph replied, “Sure as hell felt like it” She added, letting out a small giggle before hissing in pain.

“What’s wrong?” Nate asked, worry dripping from his voice.

“He fucken sliced my side” Steph growled. It was then that Nate saw the blood staining her shirt.

Stephanie noticed where he was looking, “It’s not as bad as it looks” she added, lifting her shirt a bit, revealing a bloody bandage, “He actually somewhat wrapped it, which surprised me. It’s a shitty, half-ass job, but still”

“I’m sorry” Nate sighed, “I should’ve never got you guys involved in this shit”

“Hey” Steph replied, “It’s alright”

“No it’s not” Nate cut her off, “Because of me both Hunter and Shawn are dead and you’ve got a gash in your side”

“Nate” Stephanie sighed before being cut off as a voice came from the other side of the door that led to the main house.

“It’s a mess down there, officer. I don't think we should go down there”

Nate's eyes widened. There was a police officer here? Glancing over at Stephanie, who shared his shock.

“Should we try yelling for help?” Steph asked in a whisper.

Nate nodded. This might be their only chance to get out. He wasn't about to let it slip through his fingers.

“Go over and try banging on the door” the ebony spoke, causing Stephanie to nod before going up the stairs and to the door. He could hear Matt and the officer talking but it was starting to fade.

The officer was leaving.

“HELP! WE'RE DOWN HERE!” Nate suddenly roared, Stephanie banging her fists on the door, “HELP US, PLEASE!”

The sudden faint thud caused both Nate and Stephanie to freeze, both of them sharing a look that held a mixture of both confusion and terror.

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