Forever Into Infinity

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"Where are you going?" He whispers devastatingly, seeing bits of my body start to disintegrate into golden dust. "H-hope fully heaven hah," I joked, but the way his eyes hardened, I took it was no joke. This is not funny! You said you'd help me! That you'd save me!" He wailed through gritted teeth, shaking my shoulders. I wish I could've stayed. I had already begged and cried for God to hear my prayers, but it all seemed very pointless, as it was my time to go. I was thankful for him, though. And I would do it all over again even if I had to get hurt every time in order to do it. "Answer me! Where are you going? You said you'd-you'd," he swallowed, and I started to observe the tears in his eyes. "Oh, but I thought I already did that?" I tried smiling to maintain a calm face. "W-what?" He stuttered breathlessly, closing his eyes as he shook his head. "You're happy, right?" I asked him, trying to keep that smile. He didn't answer. Tears streamed down his face as he tried his best to make them stop. Gently touching a wet cheek, my eyes softened as he continued to hold me on his arms, and he finally nodded. "I-I'm sorry," I said. "I do want to spend my whole life with you, but" I lowered my head, not wanting him to see my tears. "Guess life is just not in my favor, huh?" He lifted my chin up, eyes widened as I tried my best to grin through my tears. "I really like being with you, you know?" My face faltered, a sob escaping my throat as I tried to keep it all in. A tear ran down his cheek before he almost immediately pulled me closer. I felt his head go on my shoulder as mine went into the croock of his neck. "I'm here with you now, and even if we may not be together forever," his body trembled, and I noticed his shaking hands were balled up into fists at his sides. "I-I will never forget you. And I will never love another person, I can promise you that. And... and if you find someone, I hope they realize how lucky they are because you're one of the most prettiest stars out there in the entire galaxy. One of the good ones, you know?" He inhales sharply. "And I-I" sobs were threatening to get out, clawing his throat to escape and express his pain. I tried to separate from him, noticing my left hand was turning to dust, too. He tightened his grip. "Hey, you've got to let go now." I whispered. "Why?" He wailed. I could tell he was scared, and it broke my heart to see him like that. I didn't want to leave him, but I had no choice. "Please," I murmured against his neck, and after a few seconds, he let go. I leaned back and looked him in the eyes. "Every morning, I want you to look in the mirror and see what I see; a kind, loving boy who cares for everyone. I want you to stare into your eyes the same way you stare into mine because that's how I look at you." I truthfully told him as I watched his eyes water once again. Grabbing his face in my right hand, I leaned my forehead against his, closing my eyes. "You're a truly kind person, and don't let anyone or anything ruin that."  My chest was disappearing now, too. I opened my eyes, trying my hardest not to cry. I wanted the last memory he has of me... to be one of me smiling. "After all," I say, giving him a lopsided, close-eyed grin. "I worked  so hard not to let that happen, remember?" It was up to my shoulders now. His tears fell. "And every night, I want you to look up at the moon, and whichever star you think is the prettiest, that's me." I whispered. "But the moon? The moon is you..." I smiled. "That bright shining thing surrounded by darkness? That's you, trying your best not to let the darkness get to you. And you have no idea, just how proud I am, especially after all the things you've been through." I whispered, giving him a kiss on the nose as my neck started to become dust. "If you find another, make sure they take good care of you, okay? They don't have to be like me. Maybe they can be your sun, instead?" I smiled at him. It was now up to my chin. "I love you. I always will. And even if I get with another, I'll still love you. For infinity into forever." I kiss him on the lips as my chin starts to become gold. I part, his hands on my cheeks. "I love you...Please don't go." He said breathlessly. "You're my moon, love. If you miss me, just look up at the pretty star you like so much." His tears fell, and I couldn't help but to let one slip, too. "Forever into infinity," he promised me. "Always and always," I whispered breathlessly, my mouth disappeared. He kissed my forehead, "Always and always dear. Forever into infinity. As I died, he sat there and cried, holding me in his arms. "Please don't go. I need you"...  Forever into infinity.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2023 ⏰

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