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I'm sitting in the Principal's office. Again. In the hallway, on the other side of the glass door, Principle Mar is getting a earful from Mia Gray's mom. With all those wild hand gestures, you'd think i did more than give her stuck-up Little Miss Princess daughter a tiny shove. Mia got up in my face, not the other way around. Wasn't my fault she lost her balance and fell on her butt in front of everybody.
Mia stands behind her mom, surrounded by her squad. They cover their mouths and whisper, eyeing me through the door like they can't wait to catch me alone. I lean back in my chair, out of view. You've really done it this time, Y/N

        I glance up at the picture of the skinny brown-skinned boy on the wall behind Principle Mar's desk and frown. Kai proudly holds up the trophy he won in the state math competition. You can't see, but me and mama are just offstage, cheering him on.

       There's not much to cheer about anymore.

     The door swings open and Mrs. Gray walks in, followed by Mia. Neither makes eye contact as they settle into the chairs farthest from me. Their dislike from me seems to fill up the whole office. I frown and cross my arms, the feeling is mutual.

Then comes mama in her blue hospital scrubs, she got called away from work because of me again. I sit up in my chair to plead my case, but she shoots me a look that kills the words in my throat.
       Principle Mar takes her seat last, his weary eyes moving between us, "i know there's history between the two girls. but seeing as it's the last day of school-"

"I WANT THAT GIRLS MEMBERSHIP REVOKED!" Mrs. Gray explodes "I don't pay what i pay in tuition to have my daughter assaulted in the hallways!"

"Assaulted?" I start, but Mama raises a hand to cut me off.

"(Y/N) knows better than to put her hands on other people," says mama, "but this has been a long time coming. Those girls have harassed my daughter since she first set foot on this campus. The messages they left on her social media pages were so ugly we considered deleting her accounts."

"And we addressed that matter as soon as it was brought to our attention," says Principal Mar "All four girls received written warnings."

"How about the stuff they say to my face?" I lean forward in my chair, face burning. "They call me Charity Case and Free Lunch and remind me every chance they get that kids like me don't belong here."

"Because you don't!" says Mia

"Quiet! Mrs. Gray snaps. Mia rolls her eyes.

Mrs. Gray stands, turning her attention to Mama. "I'll have a talk with my daughter about her behavior, but your got physical-- I could press charges. Be thankful this is as far as im taking it."

Mama bristles but bites her tongue. I wonder if it's because Mia's mom is right about pressing charges. Practically the whole school saw.

"Up," say Mrs. Gray to her daughter, and they head for the door the door. Mrs. Gray stops short looks back at us. "I expect to be notified the moment her scholarship is revoked. or the Parents Association Club will have a lot to say the next meeting."

The door slams behind them.
I can barely sit still, I'm so mad. This is all so unfair. People like Mia and Mrs. Gray will never understand what it's like to not have money. They can do whatever they want with no consequences, while the rest of us have to watch our every step.

Y/N and the night brothersWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt