Dark Object

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After Miles had left, the group made their way to the compound, where they all decided to rest. The Mikaelsons took their designated rooms while the others made theirselves comfortable in the guest rooms.

It was a few hours before sunrise when Klaus had woken up. He left his room and walked around his home, coming to realise that no one was awake until he bumped into Damon in the hallway.

"What are you doing?" asked Klaus, staring at the elder Salvatore who only looked amused.

"Visisting Kam. She deserves some company, don't you think?" responded Damon, knowing well that he was provoking the hybrid.

"I'm positive she'd rather be alone than accompanied by the likes of you."

Damon put a hand on his heart, feigning offence. "Ouch. Here I thought we were becoming friends."

Klaus scrunched his nose slightly as if even the thought of being friends with Damon disgusted him. "You and I are not nor ever will be friends. We're merely allies." Klaus dismissed him with his hand. "Go to your room. I'm sure Camille will thank me for getting rid of you for her."

Damon laughed to Klaus' surprise, making him raise an eybrow. "Chill, I was joking. Looks like you still have a thing for blondes."

Klaus ignored his comment, making one of his own. "Looks like Elena still has a thing for your brother. How's that going?" He smirked, knowing that his words had an effect on Damon.

"Low blow," said Damon before changing the subject. "What's the plan? Why are we just standing here?"

"Do you have any better ideas?" asked Klaus, raising an eyebrow.

Damon gave a small nod. "Fair point."

Klaus was about to respond, but a scream quickly brought them out of their conversation. The two exchanged a glance before rushing towards the room where the sound came from.

Klaus quickly opened the door, finding Cami cradling a sweaty Lilly in her arms. The blonde looked up at Klaus, a silent plea in her eyes as if she were asking him to help her.

For a second, Klaus forgot Damon was beside him as he looked into the blonde's eyes, but he quickly remembered and blinked a couple of times to bring himself out of the small trance he had put himself in.

"What happened?" asked Klaus, the worry in his voice evident as he stepped closer.

"She was asleep one second, and then she started screaming. I don't know what's wrong with her." Cami's worry was clearly displayed in her voice as her gaze was locked on the teenager in her arms who looked pale and scared.

Klaus nodded at Cami's explanation before stepping closer and carefully placing a hand on Lilly's arm.
"Sweetheart, why'd you scream?"

"Malia's here. She sent me a nightmare of some sort, making sure I told all of you guys that she's coming," Lilly explained, taking a deep breath after, trying to calm herself down.

Klaus remained a cool facade as he spoke, making sure not to worry the girl. "She's here. That's what we wanted. Now, you worry about this later and try to get some more sleep. Is that okay?"

Lilly nodded, carefully getting out of Cami's hold and laying back down on the bed while covering herself with the blanket. Cami got up from the bed and walked towards the door, hinting for Damon and Klaus to do the same thing. The blonde then wished sweet dreams to Lilly before closing the door and heading down the hallway with the guys still behind her.

The elder Salvatore was first to speak. "Well, what do you propose we do now?"

"I think we should wake everyone up and tell them. We don't exactly have much time on our hands," responded Cami, who yawned while covering her mouth with her hand.

"Love, if you're still tired, you should go to sleep. It's going to be a long day," said Klaus, who could notice the small signs of Cami's tiredness. The small eyebags under her eyes that you could only notice if you paid attention close enough. The way she tried to hide her yawns so they wouldn't know she was tired and her heavy eyelids that she was fighting to keep open.

"We don't have time for me to get my beauty sleep. Let's go wake everyone up." Cami couldn't care less about being tired. This was her family, and she wasn't going to sleep while they tried to come after her and that teenager.

"We have more than enough time. You should rest," Klaus insisted.

"I said I'm okay. Come on, we don't have all day." Cami headed for one of the doors, opening it and turning on the light switch which was met by groans from Caroline and Bonnie.

Klaus sighed, giving up as he began helping Cami wake up everyone. He didn't even notice that Damon had gone and left the two alone.

Eventually, everyone was gathered downstairs, more than half of them yawning and complaining about being woken up so early until Cami explained what happened with Lilly, which had brought them all on alert.

They  discussed their next moves in the living room, where they had all taken up a comfortable seat. Cami and Klaus were sitting beside each other, and the blonde hadn't noticed that she had fallen asleep on his shoulder until she tasted a metallic like liquid on her lips.

Cami stirred in her sleep, eventually waking up and wiping away the liquid on her lips, thinking it could've been drool or something until she saw the mark left behind on her hand. Blood was dripping from her nose, and it took one swipe under her eyes to notice that her eyes had tears of blood pooling out.

"Klaus?" Her voice came out as a low whisper as she looked at the blood on her fingers.

"Yes, lo–" He stopped midsentence, his eyes filled with worry as he looked at her. "Does it hurt? Are you okay?" He cupped her face with his hands, wiping away some of the blood that had fallen onto her cheek.

"My head hurts," responded Cami, feeling lightheaded as she watched Klaus turn to the rest of the group whose attention had been solely on them.

"What's happening to her?" He asked, his voice demanding yet calm enough for Cami to feel safe next to him.

"Malia's closer than before. She's warning us," explained Stacey, who knew all about her leader's strategies and spells.

"She can't be that close. We still have a day until the full moon

The O'Connell's (Under Editing)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora