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On a restless night in Star City, the city that never sleeps. Below the dark-greyish blue skies and scattered clouds around the full moon glowing its majestic light over the earth. A black helicopter with SCPD on the side flew slightly above the skyscrapers of Star City.

The doors of the chopper were wide open, and two fully armed SCPD agents in tactical gear sat at each side of the chopper. Looking down on the roofs of the buildings below, while a light from underneath the helicopter shone back and forth across the roofs.

One of two pilots at the front of the helicopter pressed a button on the dashboard and pulled a transceiver two-way radio walkie-talkie from the roof, then held it to his mouth.

"Black Eagle reporting to base, Black Eagle reporting to base."

Krssshhhhh! The transceiver sounded with static.

"Acknowledge. Have you found our target?" a muffled voice came from the radio.

"Negative, target has not been found as yet."

"We received intel target would be present at a corporate event around 21:00. Target is a well know boss of the Tsergonov crime family. We must apprehend him at all costs," said the muffled voice from the radio.

The pilot steering the chopper tapped on the other pilot's shoulder and nodded to a skyscraper a few spaces ahead of them, where the roof was lit with party lights and filled with formally dressed people. The sound of an elegant band playing jazz music was loud enough to be heard from their position.

"I think we're onto him now," the pilot said into the radio.

The helicopter hovered over the roof of the tall building, and the wind from the powerful blades propellers blew the women's garments about, causing them to hold down their dresses. Everyone stopped what they were doing including the musicians, and began to murmur in confusion seeing the chopper above their heads, disrupting their gathering.

One of the armed agents sat out from the chopper with a megaphone aimed at the roof full of people, increasing the volume of his voice. While the other agent at the other side of the chopper aimed his gun at the crowd, using his scope to try and find the target.

"SCPD! Nobody move! Stay where you are! Kabroski Tsergonov! Step out where we can see you! Comply and you will live!"

The agent with the scope pointed his gun down at a bald middle-aged man in a three-piece suit. "I found him!"

"Kabroski Tsergonov! You are under arrest! Move and we WILL shoot you!" echoed the agent with the megaphone.

The man stepped out to the center of the roof while the other people gathered away from him in confusion. The light from the chopper shone down in a straight line on the man, causing him to put his arms over his eyes, peeking up through his fingers.

A back rope ladder fell from the chopper and unto the roof. The agent came off seat his seat and began to slowly climb his way down the ladder.

BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!! An ear-shattering explosion sounded above and raging winds blew heavily from the skies, parting the clouds with great force.

The winds howled at the helicopter blowing it away from the rooftop. And it began to spin around in circles, causing the pilots to lose control of it. The agent on the seat was flung from the chopper heading for a long fall down, while the other on the rope was struck by a bolt of lighting which knocked him off. The helicopter crashed into the side of another building and exploded in flames sending glass splinters in the air.

The people on the roof fell to the ground screaming, some curling into a ball, some trying to run downstairs as fireballs merged with unearthly rocky debris fell from the skies.

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